
Martin Buchholz martinrb at google.com
Mon Jun 29 23:21:57 UTC 2009

Hi sort team!

Google would like to contribute a new implementation for sorting of Object
which has much better performance for input that is already partially
based on Tim Peter's sort used in Python.

This sort is already being used in the java.util. that comes with Android.

Written by Josh Bloch.


Strictly speaking, no further review may be necessary,
since it has already seen much review by Google engineers,
(including some who are OpenJDK committers),
and it has seen real-world usage.

Nevertheless, interested parties are invited to further review it.

The proposed webrev includes some very minor change to
the javadoc for Arrays.sort, that we would like to include,
but are also content leaving out, or to have a Sun engineer
shepherd through CCC (perhaps Chris or Alan?).

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