Review request for 6807702 -- approved

Joseph D. Darcy Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Fri Mar 20 17:02:55 UTC 2009

Looks good -- approved.


Alan Bateman wrote:
> 6807702: Integer.valueOf cache should be configurable
> This is a forward-port from 6u14, which in turn is an update to the 
> original library updates that Tom Rodriguez did in an earlier 6 
> update. Joe, you'll probably want to review this one as it relates to 
> the cache you developed back in jdk5. The background to this is work 
> in HotSpot to eliminate the use of box objects. The optimizer knows 
> about Integer's autobox cache since hs11. Further performance can be 
> gained by increasing the size of the cache, which HotSpot does when 
> running with +AggressiveOpts.
> The webrev is here:
> Thanks,
> Alan.

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