David Holmes - Sun Microsystems David.Holmes at Sun.COM
Wed Mar 25 23:10:02 UTC 2009

The code was innocuous as far as I can see. One place does some basic 
calculations with some values used for GC statistics. The other was a 
crash here:

double cpuTimer::seconds() const {
   double count = (double) _counter;
   double freq  = (double) os::elapsed_frequency();
   return count/freq;

and os::elapsed_frquency is a constant (1000*1000*1000) on Solaris.

Both crashes occurs on 64-bit on Solaris AMD64.


Tom Rodriguez said the following on 03/26/09 08:53:
> FPE_FLTRES appears to concern inexact results being produced but these 
> kinds of exception should always be masked for us.  In what kind of code 
> was this reported?
> tom
> On Mar 24, 2009, at 5:58 PM, David Holmes - Sun Microsystems wrote:
>> Can someone tell me when you can encounter a SIGFPE with si_code 
>> FPE_FLTRES? I'm suspecting this may be a case where a "bad" operation 
>> doesn't in itself fail but the next (innocent) FP operation gets hit 
>> with the FPE.
>> Thanks,
>> David Holmes

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