Increaed support for Unicode in Java API

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Thu Oct 1 13:41:28 UTC 2009

... did you rekognize the icu4j project?


Am 01.10.2009 15:14, Pravin Jain schrieb:
> Hello all,
> Currently, the JDK API has a very limited support for the Unicode 
> properties.
> Mostly what is available is from the Character class's methods like 
> isDigit,
> getNumericValue, getCategory, etc.
> These properties are supported by building the CharacterData classes 
> from the UnicodeData.txt files. There are around 89 properties 
> mentioned in the Unicode database. The UCD contains
> information about all the properties.
> I wish to start working to build support for these properties, 
> starting with giving priority to Normative properties.
> I have already built a class from the information available from the 
> UCD.html file to contain
> the meta-information related to the various Properties.
> I feel we could start by creating a separate package may be something 
> like java.lang.unicode
> which would have the required classes for supporting information about 
> the unicode properties.
> I have also tested a code which could generate enums for the 
> Properties having values of Enumeration type as mentioned in the UCD.html.
> Any one may please let me know as to how I can start contributing for 
> this.
> Thanks and regards.
> Pravin Jain

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