What methods should go into a java.util.Objects class in JDK 7?

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Fri Oct 2 11:31:10 UTC 2009

Am 02.10.2009 06:23, Joe Darcy schrieb:
> I wouldn't oppose a toDebugString(Object) method going into the 
> platform somewhere, but I don't think it necessarily belongs in Objects.

I suggest new class java.util.Debug to contain this and many other 
thinkable helper methods useful for developers.

> Further below is the code for an annotation processor which finds 
> candidate equals methods to be replaced with Objects.equals.  It found 
> over half a dozen good candidates in the jdk repository.  To run the 
> annotation processor, first compile the class and then run it with 
> javac similar to this:
> javac -proc:only -processor EqualsFinder -processorpath <path to 
> processor> sources

That's very cool.


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