Review request for 6612680 (Remove classloader dependency on jkernel)

Rémi Forax forax at
Sun Oct 4 11:34:18 UTC 2009

Le 04/10/2009 08:03, Mandy Chung a écrit :
> Alan, Karen,
> Can you review the fix for:
>    6612680: Remove classloader dependency on jkernel
> Webrev at:
> java.lang.ClassLoader and sun.misc.Launcher have explicit dependencies 
> on the jkernel code.  While the performance impact of this is minimal 
> (the calls basically amount to nops when the JRE is complete), it's 
> still undesirable.
> To eliminate the static dependency on jkernel, this adds a boot 
> classloader hook interface that is invoked in the ClassLoader 
> findClass, getSystemResource, and other methods.  The hook is null by 
> default.  The jkernel VM will call the static  
> DownloadManager.setBootClassLoaderHook() method and only the jkernel 
> environment will have a non-null boot class loader hook.  Since 
> jkernel is a separate build including the bundles and VM, as we 
> discussed, the jkernel VM is a reasonable place to inject the 
> DownloadManager as the boot class loader hook.
> I'm hoping to make TL b74 which is code freeze by 10 pm PT Monday.
> Thanks
> Mandy

A small comment, it seems that DownloadManager.instance is never read.


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