Request for review: Race conditions in java.nio.charset.Charset

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Fri Oct 9 20:47:58 UTC 2009

Am 08.10.2009 06:40, Martin Buchholz schrieb:
> If you can show that a simple test program that appears to access
> only 2 charsets in fact causes accesses to 3 or 4, that is a serious
> problem with the 2-element cache.

See attachment:
- simple JUnit test class
- NetBeans project, ready to build and run
- charset usage log

> People at Google are working on better caches,
> but I don't think they are quite ready today.
> Perhaps, instead of a small charset cache,
> we could cache all the charsets, but for the
> large charsets like GB18030, we could,
> inside the charset implementation, cache the
> large data tables using a soft reference, and recompute
> as needed.  Then most of the static memory used
> by an unused charset could be reclaimed.

I have implemented exactly this here:


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