What methods should go into a java.util.Objects class in JDK 7?

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Mon Oct 12 14:23:55 UTC 2009

Am 12.10.2009 15:43, Alan Bateman schrieb:
> Ulf Zibis wrote:
>> :
>> Anyway, I would like to see zip/jar URIs as valid parameter to open a 
>> file/path/stream/channel via new File(URI) or Paths.get(URI).
> There is a file system provider (albeit demo/prototype quality) for 
> zip file in the nio repository. Just add ZipFileSystem.jar to your 
> classpath and you can treat the contents of a zip or JAR file as a 
> read-only file system. You can use URIs, such as 
> zip:///home/foo.zip#/top/bar, to locate files if you wish.

Alan, that's cool, thanks. Hopefully this goes into trunk of JDK 7, (+ 
write access ?).
Can you give me direct link of ZipFileSystem.jar + javadoc + sources ?

If I run this example:
I get:

This looks little different from your example (scheme + '!' instead '#').
Is that covered too by ZipFileSystem.jar ?


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