nonNull and similar methods [was Re: First round of java.util.Objects for code review (bug 6797535)]

Joseph D. Darcy Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Wed Oct 14 19:24:00 UTC 2009

Jesús Viñuales wrote:
>> I agree with Stephen. There are a slew of validation methods that
>> would be beneficial, and if you really want to drive the JDK towards
>> standard validation, refactor them out into a Validation class. Look
>> at what Spring has written for themselves:
> il/Assert.html
>> Paul
> Fully agree with you both, Stephan and Paul. A Validation class  with a
> broad perspective makes much more sense to me.
> --Jesus

If such a validation class is added to the platform, the nonNull methods 
can be moved there.  Until then, they can live in Objects.


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