C system() equivalent method.

Mario Torre mario.torre at aicas.com
Thu Oct 15 13:50:48 UTC 2009

Il 15/10/2009 15:32, Frédéric Martini ha scritto:
> Hello,
> Sorry to revive this request, but I think this is as simple but very useful
> method that must be present on Java 7.
> No one have an opinion on this?
> Fred,

I'm not sure.

In my opinion this is easy to do in application code using something 
similar to what you did or Runtime.exec, but doesn't fit into the core 

Also, in this implementation you are assuming lots of things that are 
not valid everywhere, like:

The system is either Windows or Linux or Solaris (or some other "sane" 
unix variant), the system has /bin/sh, and it's possible to use it to 
execute process etc...

I would not like much to see this in the standard library, especially in 
java.lang, as this thing is non portable by definition.


Mario Torre, Software Developer, http://www.jroller.com/neugens/
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