Review request for 6878475: Better regex named-group and backreference syntax

Xueming Shen Xueming.Shen at Sun.COM
Tue Oct 20 22:14:01 UTC 2009

Alan, Martin

The CCC also approved this change. Would you please help review? There 
is no doc/impl change
in the webrev since you guys reviewed (for CCC) last time.


Xueming Shen wrote:
> Hi
> Guess you might be interested to help review the change for this RFE, 
> here is the webrev.
> Since this is an API update, the change will need to go through a 
> review process before it can
> be integrated into the workspace, so it might take a little while.
> Regards,
> Sherman
> Alan Moore wrote:
>> On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Xueming Shen<Xueming.Shen at> 
>> wrote:
>>> RFE#6878475 has been filed to trace this issue.
>>> At this point we are going to update the doc and implementation to
>>> (1)disallow the group name started with digit character
>>> (2)use ${name} for the group reference in replacement string.
>> Great! Thank you.
>>> The \k<n> and ${n} can leave for further discussion (whether or not we
>>> really need this NEW feature, while there is existing syntax that can
>>> do the job just fine).
>> Agreed--it's a separate issue. But at least now we'll have the option.

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