Review Request for 6878481: Add performance counters in the JDK

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at Sun.COM
Sun Sep 13 08:07:15 UTC 2009

Mandy Chung wrote:
> Alan, David, Remi, Iris,
> Thanks for the review and the revised webrev at:
> I incorporate the comments you have and minimize the number of 
> System.nanoTime() calls and also remove the number of opened jars perf 
> counters.  Please let me know if you have further comments.
This looks much better, in particular the overhead in ClassLoader is 
much reduced. Also, I see you've removed the special counter for JAR 
files, which make sense.

Minor nit but I assume you can initialize perf as:
  private static final Perf perf =
     AccessController.doPrivileged(new Perf.GetPerfAction());

Also minor nit: in the javadoc of the PerfCounter's public methods - I 
assume you meant to use /** instead of /*.

Method naming is hard (and often subjective) but there are updates like 
this: - t0);
which might be easier to read as:
  PerfCounter.getParentDelegationCounter().addTime(t1 - t0)

which might be cleaer as:

Just a suggestion of course. Otherwise, looks okay to me and I'm looking 
forward to seeing the output once these changes are in.


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