Review Request for 6879044

Mandy Chung Mandy.Chung at Sun.COM
Thu Sep 17 00:38:19 UTC 2009

Here are the new webrevs:

core-libs changes that include java.util.Currency:

    - Added a new jtreg test
    - Cleaned up per Alan's feedback.

awt/2d/swing changes:

    - Keep the logger in and be statically 
    - I updated 6880089 to consider lazy initialization or reduce to a 
few loggers vs 85 on unix and 35 on windows.  I decide to leave it to 
the fix for 6880089 to make a consistent change.

Files other than the one listed above are not changed since the last 


Mandy Chung wrote:
> 6879044: Eliminate the dependency of logging from the JRE 
> core/awt/swing classes
> Webrev:
> Summary:
> 1. A new sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger class that will handle the 
> log messages in a similar way as Logger but it will only delegate to 
> java.util.logging only when it is enabled.  LogManager and LogRecord 
> are modified to support the platform loggers.  The users of 
> PlatformLogger will continue to run if java.util.logging classes do 
> not exist.
> 2. AWT, 2D, Swing, and a few java.util classes are modified to use 
> PlatformLogger instead of Logger.  Although many files are modified, 
> the change is mostly replacement with classname.
> AWT statically creates a number of loggers. Running a simple AWT 
> Framer application with JDK 7 b71 creates 79 loggers on solaris-i586 
> and 34 loggers on windows-i586. SwingSet2 creates a total of 85 
> loggers including a few non-awt ones on solaris-i586 and 35 on 
> windows-i586).
> Although the memory usage might not be very high (especially with this 
> fix), I don't see the need of having many fine-grained loggers.  This 
> fix doesn't address this the number of AWT loggers. I file a separate 
> CR (6880089) to revisit it.
> Startup Performance:
> This change does not have significant startup performance improvement, 
> as expected.  However, it does reduce the number of loaded classes 
> (Framer app loads 16 fewer classes and jedit loads 13 fewer classes).
> Thanks
> Mandy

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