Patch for JTreg test java/net/MulticastSocket/

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Wed Sep 23 13:35:03 UTC 2009

2009/9/23 Andrew Haley <aph at>:
> Christopher Hegarty -Sun Microsystems Ireland wrote:
>> [cc'ing net-dev]
>> Alan Bateman wrote:
>>> Pavel Tisnovsky wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> two-lines patch for regression test
>>>> java/net/MulticastSocket/ is exposed at
>>>> The test machine (where this test fails) has six network interfaces,
>>>> but only two of them, namely eth2 and virbr0, can be used to send
>>>> multicast packets. But the test does not check interface attributes
>>>> and tries to use _ALL_ network interfaces (excluding loopback device,
>>>> of course) to send and then receive multicast packets.
>>>> It fails, but the failure message depends on current network
>>>> interface order (order is not guaranteed) returned by
>>>> NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(). Patch check, if the given
>>>> network interface is able to send multicast packets.
>>>> I think, the patch could be applied to OpenJDK6 too.
>>>> Pavel Tisnovsky
>>> Pavel - this looks good me, although I think you should send it to
>>> net-dev. To make it more reliable you could also check isUp as
>>> getNetworkInterface may enumerate network interfaces that are down.
>> I agree with Alan here, it is best to check isUp also.
>> Alan created the following bug for this:
>>  6884837: "test/java/net/MulticastSocket/ should check
>> if interfaces are up/support multicast"
>> I see you have push access, so if you make the appropriate changes
>> (mentioned above) I can review the webrev and you can use the above bug
>> number and description to push the changeset.
> Please make sure you tell Pavel which forest to push to.  It's sometimes
> hard for us outside Sun to know.
> Andrew.

is the source for this information, though someone at Sun needs to
update it.  The jsn tree is dead (security and net now use the tl
forest) and the i18n team push to the swing forest.
Andrew :-)

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