Separate Class/Method level Generics Interpretations

Quintin Beukes quintin at
Sat Sep 26 19:51:51 UTC 2009


When you have parameterized methods in a parameterized class, and you
don't use the parameters of the class, then the parameters of all it's
methods are also ignored, even when not related. Is there any specific
reason why it was done like this? If not, I would like to implement
it, as I don't see why you have to loose the method's generic ability
when you don't use that of the class.

Take for instance, this example:
class AnnotatedMethod
  public <M> M annotatedMethod(M obj)
    return obj;

class AnnotatedClass<C>
  public <M> M annotatedMethod(M obj)
    return obj;

public class AnnotationDemo
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
    AnnotatedMethod method = new AnnotatedMethod();
    String s1 = method.annotatedMethod("string");

    AnnotatedClass<?> clazzWorking = new AnnotatedClass();
    String s2 = clazzWorking.annotatedMethod("string");

    AnnotatedClass clazzNotWorking = new AnnotatedClass();
    String s3 = clazzNotWorking.annotatedMethod("string");

Quintin Beukes

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