Swap should be better done native?

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Thu Apr 1 12:26:05 UTC 2010

Am 31.03.2010 22:54, schrieb Martin Buchholz:
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 13:41, Ulf Zibis<Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de>  wrote:
>> You remember on UTF-8 twiddling:
>> Am 16.03.2010 22:51, schrieb Ulf Zibis:
>>> Am 16.03.2010 21:57, schrieb Martin Buchholz:
>>>> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 12:48, Ulf Zibis<Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de>    wrote:
>>>>>>>   8-bit shift + compare would allow HotSpot to compile to smart 1-byte
>>>>>>> immediate op-codes.
>>>>>>> In encodeBufferLoop() you could use putChar(), putInt() instead put().
>>>>>>> Should perform better.
>>>>>> I'm not convinced.  You would need to assemble bytes into an
>>>>>> int, and then break them apart into bytes on the other side?
>>>>> Some time ago, I disassembled such code. I could see, that the int was
>>>>> copied directly to memory by one 32-bit move instruction.
>>>>> In case of using put(byte), I saw 4 8-bit move instructions.
>>>> Ulf, I'd like to understand this better.
>>>> How are you generating the machine code
>>>> (pointer to docs?)?
>>> I must prepare it. Takes some time.
>> Now you can see, that putInt(int) is done at once, so faster as 4 put(byte).
> Leider versteh ich dass immer noch nicht.

Thanks for some little German. :-D

> Ich weiss auch noch nicht,
> how to generate disassembled code.

Sorry about my flippancy/ignorance.
I started here: http://wikis.sun.com/display/HotSpotInternals/PrintAssembly
On Windows I use a hsdis-i386.dll compiled by Andreas Schösser and 
provided from Volker Simonis <volker.simonis at gmail.com>.

> How can 4 put(byte) be converted into one put(int)?
See the following code snippets ...

Codesnippet from EUC_TW$Encoder:
             dst.put((byte)(0xa0 | p));
             dst.put((byte)(db >> 8));

becomes (124 bytes):
   0x00b94ab2: mov    %edx,%ebx          ;*invokevirtual put
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 97 (line 266)
   0x00b94ab4: mov    0x14(%ebx),%ecx    ;*getfield position
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 1 (line 512)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 97 (line 266)
   0x00b94ab7: mov    0x18(%ebx),%edx    ;*getfield limit
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 5 (line 512)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 97 (line 266)
   0x00b94aba: cmp    %edx,%ecx
   0x00b94abc: jge    0x00b94b79         ;*if_icmplt
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 8 (line 512)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 97 (line 266)
   0x00b94ac2: mov    %ebx,0x14(%esp)
   0x00b94ac6: mov    %ebx,%esi
   0x00b94ac8: mov    0x8(%esi),%ebp
   0x00b94acb: mov    0xc(%esi),%edi
   0x00b94ace: mov    0x8(%esp),%eax
   0x00b94ad2: or     $0xa0,%eax         ;*ior  ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 107 (line 267)
   0x00b94ad8: mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)
   0x00b94adc: mov    %ebp,%eax
   0x00b94ade: mov    %ecx,%ebx
   0x00b94ae0: inc    %ebx               ;*iadd
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 26 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 97 (line 266)
   0x00b94ae1: mov    %ebx,0x14(%esi)    ;*putfield position
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 27 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 97 (line 266)
   0x00b94ae4: add    %ecx,%eax
   0x00b94ae6: movb   $0x8e,(%eax)       ;*invokevirtual putByte
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 12 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 97 (line 266)
   0x00b94ae9: cmp    %edx,%ebx
   0x00b94aeb: jge    0x00b94b8d         ;*if_icmplt
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 8 (line 512)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 109 (line 267)
   0x00b94af1: mov    0x8(%esp),%ebx
   0x00b94af5: mov    %bl,0x1(%eax)      ;*invokevirtual putByte
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 12 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 109 (line 267)
   0x00b94af8: mov    %ecx,%ebx
   0x00b94afa: add    $0x2,%ebx          ;*iadd
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 26 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 109 (line 267)
   0x00b94afd: mov    %ebx,0x14(%esi)    ;*putfield position
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 27 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 109 (line 267)
   0x00b94b00: cmp    %edx,%ebx
   0x00b94b02: jge    0x00b94b9d         ;*if_icmplt
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 8 (line 512)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 119 (line 268)
   0x00b94b08: mov    0x18(%esp),%ebx
   0x00b94b0c: mov    %bl,0x2(%eax)      ;*invokevirtual putByte
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 12 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 119 (line 268)
   0x00b94b0f: mov    %ecx,%ebx
   0x00b94b11: add    $0x3,%ebx          ;*iadd
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 26 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 119 (line 268)
   0x00b94b14: mov    %esi,%ebp
   0x00b94b16: mov    %ebx,0x14(%ebp)    ;*putfield position
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 27 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 119 (line 268)
   0x00b94b19: cmp    %edx,%ebx
   0x00b94b1b: jge    0x00b94ba9         ;*if_icmplt
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 8 (line 512)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 126 (line 269)
   0x00b94b21: mov    0x4(%esp),%edx
   0x00b94b25: mov    %dl,0x3(%eax)      ;*invokevirtual putByte
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 12 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 126 (line 269)
   0x00b94b28: add    $0x4,%ecx
   0x00b94b2b: mov    %ecx,0x14(%ebp)    ;*putfield position
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 27 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer0::encode at 126 (line 269)

Alternative 1 codesnippet:
             dst.putInt((SS2 << 24) | (0xa0 << 16) | (p << 16) | db);

becomes (63 bytes):
   0x00b95d51: shl    $0x10,%ebx
   0x00b95d54: or     %edi,%ebx
   0x00b95d56: or     $0x8ea00000,%ebx   ;*ior  ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_31_d_n_codeToBuffer1::encode at 93 (line 265)
   0x00b95d5c: cmp    $0x282c61d8,%ebp   ;   
   0x00b95d62: jne    0x00b95dcd         ;*invokevirtual putInt
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_31_d_n_codeToBuffer1::encode at 94 (line 265)
   0x00b95d64: mov    0x18(%edx),%edi
   0x00b95d67: mov    0x14(%edx),%ecx    ;*getfield position
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 5 (line 518)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::putInt at 4 (line 676)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_31_d_n_codeToBuffer1::encode at 94 (line 265)
   0x00b95d6a: sub    %ecx,%edi
   0x00b95d6c: cmp    $0x4,%edi
   0x00b95d6f: jl     0x00b95de1         ;*if_icmpge
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 10 (line 518)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::putInt at 4 (line 676)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_31_d_n_codeToBuffer1::encode at 94 (line 265)
   0x00b95d71: movzbl 0x26(%edx),%eax
   0x00b95d75: test   %eax,%eax
   0x00b95d77: jne    0x00b95d7b         ;*ifeq
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::putInt at 17 (line 664)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::putInt at 11 (line 676)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_31_d_n_codeToBuffer1::encode at 94 (line 265)
   0x00b95d79: bswap  %ebx               ;*invokevirtual putInt
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::putInt at 30 (line 664)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::putInt at 11 (line 676)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_31_d_n_codeToBuffer1::encode at 94 (line 265)
   0x00b95d7b: mov    %edx,%esi
   0x00b95d7d: mov    0x8(%esi),%ebp
   0x00b95d80: mov    0xc(%esi),%edi     ;*getfield address
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::ix at 1 (line 225)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::putInt at 7 (line 676)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_31_d_n_codeToBuffer1::encode at 94 (line 265)
   0x00b95d83: mov    %ecx,%eax
   0x00b95d85: add    $0x4,%eax
   0x00b95d88: mov    %eax,0x14(%edx)    ;*putfield position
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 33 (line 521)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::putInt at 4 (line 676)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_31_d_n_codeToBuffer1::encode at 94 (line 265)
   0x00b95d8b: mov    %ebp,%eax
   0x00b95d8d: mov    %ebx,(%eax,%ecx,1)  ;*invokevirtual putInt
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::putInt at 30 (line 664)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::putInt at 11 (line 676)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_31_d_n_codeToBuffer1::encode at 94 (line 265)

On big endian machines, additionally the swapping becomes omitted.

Alternative 2 codesnippet:
             bb[0] = SS2;
             bb[1] = (byte)(0xa0 | p);
             bb[2] = (byte)(db >> 8);
             bb[3] = (byte)db;
             dst.put(bb, 0, 4);

becomes (149 bytes):
   0x00b95f68: mov    0x30(%esp),%ebp    ;*invokevirtual put
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95f6c: mov    %ebp,0x30(%esp)
   0x00b95f70: add    $0xfffffffc,%ecx
   0x00b95f73: or     $0x4,%ecx
   0x00b95f76: test   %ecx,%ecx
   0x00b95f78: jl     0x00b96120         ;*ifge
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::checkBounds at 13 (line 551)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 4 
(line 803)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95f7e: mov    0x14(%ebp),%ecx    ;*getfield position
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::remaining at 5 (line 383)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 9 
(line 804)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95f81: mov    0x18(%ebp),%ebx    ;*getfield limit
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::remaining at 1 (line 383)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 9 
(line 804)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95f84: mov    %ebx,%ebp
   0x00b95f86: sub    %ecx,%ebp
   0x00b95f88: cmp    $0x4,%ebp
   0x00b95f8b: jl     0x00b9612d         ;*if_icmple
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 12 
(line 804)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95f91: cmp    %ebx,%ecx
   0x00b95f93: jge    0x00b96139         ;*if_icmplt
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 8 (line 512)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95f99: mov    %eax,0x18(%esp)
   0x00b95f9d: mov    %edx,0x14(%esp)
   0x00b95fa1: mov    0x30(%esp),%esi
   0x00b95fa5: mov    0x8(%esi),%ebp
   0x00b95fa8: mov    0xc(%esi),%edi
   0x00b95fab: mov    %ecx,%edx
   0x00b95fad: inc    %edx               ;*iadd
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 26 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95fae: mov    %edx,0x14(%esi)    ;*putfield position
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 27 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95fb1: mov    %ebp,%eax
   0x00b95fb3: add    %ecx,%eax
   0x00b95fb5: movb   $0x8e,(%eax)       ;*invokevirtual putByte
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 12 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95fb8: cmp    %ebx,%edx
   0x00b95fba: jge    0x00b96155         ;*if_icmplt
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 8 (line 512)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95fc0: mov    0x8(%esp),%edx
   0x00b95fc4: mov    %dl,0x1(%eax)      ;*invokevirtual putByte
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 12 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95fc7: mov    %ecx,%ebp
   0x00b95fc9: add    $0x2,%ebp          ;*iadd
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 26 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95fcc: mov    %ebp,0x14(%esi)    ;*putfield position
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 27 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95fcf: cmp    %ebx,%ebp
   0x00b95fd1: jge    0x00b96142         ;*if_icmplt
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 8 (line 512)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95fd7: mov    0x18(%esp),%edx
   0x00b95fdb: mov    %dl,0x2(%eax)      ;*invokevirtual putByte
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 12 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95fde: mov    %ecx,%ebp
   0x00b95fe0: add    $0x3,%ebp          ;*iadd
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 26 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95fe3: mov    %ebp,0x14(%esi)    ;*putfield position
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 27 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95fe6: cmp    %ebx,%ebp
   0x00b95fe8: jge    0x00b96161         ;*aload_0
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 38 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95fee: mov    0x4(%esp),%ebx
   0x00b95ff2: mov    %bl,0x3(%eax)      ;*invokevirtual putByte
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 12 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)
   0x00b95ff5: add    $0x4,%ecx
   0x00b95ff8: mov    %esi,%ebp
   0x00b95ffa: mov    %ecx,0x14(%ebp)    ;*putfield position
                                         ; - 
java.nio.Buffer::nextPutIndex at 27 (line 514)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 5 (line 271)
                                         ; - java.nio.ByteBuffer::put at 43 
(line 808)
                                         ; - 
java.nio.DirectByteBuffer::put at 117 (line 349)
                                         ; - 
sun.nio.cs.ext.E_30_d_n_codeToBuffer01::encode at 136 (line 272)


I believe, alternative 2 could become much better from HotSpot side 
(enable -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis didn't work here).


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