Code review request for checked/unchecked exception clarifications

Peter Jones pcj at
Fri Jan 8 05:00:04 UTC 2010


Hi.  Another nit: the wordings below seem to imply that "new Error()" and "new RuntimeException()" (i.e. not subclasses) make checked exceptions, but of course they are unchecked too.

-- Peter

On Jan 7, 2010, at 10:36 PM, Joe Darcy wrote:

> David Holmes - Sun Microsystems wrote:
>> Hi Joe,
>> This looks fine to me.
>> One minor consistency nit, sometimes you refer to "subclasses of" and sometimes "subclass of" eg:
>> + * <p>The class {@code Exception} and any subclasses that are not also
>> + * subclasses of {@link RuntimeException} are <em>checked
>> + * exceptions</em>.
>> + * For the purposes of compile-time checking of exceptions, {@code
>> + * Throwable} and any subclass of {@code Throwable} that is not also a
>> + * subclass of either {@link RuntimeException} or {@link Error} are
>> + * regarded as checked exceptions.
>> For consistency you could use the same wording for Exception as you do for Throwable.
> Hi David.
> That difference you spotted was intentional in this case.  The "subclasses" wording is closer to the wording in JLSv3 section 11, but I thought "subclass" was clearer to state the "RuntimeException or Error" constraint
> Thanks for the review,
> -Joe

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