Request for approval: Allow Java's ELF symtab reader to use separate debuginfo files

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Fri Jan 8 20:03:35 UTC 2010

2010/1/8 Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at>:
> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>> 2010/1/8 Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at>:
>>> Andrew Haley wrote:
>>>> On 12/09/2009 03:36 PM, Andrew Haley wrote:
>>>>> This is
>>>>> The symptom is that jmap doesn't work because target libraries are
>>>>> stripped.
>>>>> The fix is to allow the symtab reader to use the separate debuginfo
>>>>> files
>>>>> that are available for all (AFAIK) GNU/Linux distributions.
>>>> This is now also
>>>> Webrev at
>>>> I have now checked several Linux distros, old and new, and although
>>>> they keep their debuginfo files in different places, this patch works
>>>> on all of them.
>>>> Is this OK?  And, if so, which repos should I push the patch to?
>>> I'm a little concerned about the impact this might have on hotspot
>>> as it will eventually get delivered into a jdk6 release (I assume).
>>> And jdk6 does builds on really old Linux systems, e.g.
>>> "Red Hat Enterprise Advanced Server 2.1 update 2".
>>> Can you think of anything that might be a problem with that?
>>> Either at compile time or runtime?
>> aph will be able to respond to this in more detail, but my
>> understanding of the patch is that it only tries separate debug files
>> if it doesn't find debuginfo in the binary itself.  If the builds om
>> RHEL AS 2.1 use non-stripped binaries, it won't even get that far
>> AFAICS.  And if they don't and /usr/lib/debug also doesn't exist, then
>> it will just fail as it always did.
>> So the only issue would be that the code relies on building against
>> something newer than it did previously.
>>> I still am a bit uncomfortable with that 1K block of bytes we are adding,
>>> but I'll resign from that debate, if this is the official way to do it.
>>> How many of these 1K blocks are floating around the system? :^(
>>> The change probably needs to go through one of the hotspot forests, maybe
>>> hotspot-rt?
>> I would have assumed hotspot-svc as it's serviceability-related.
> The hotspot-svc forest has been abandoned in favor of hotspot-rt,
> or hotspot-rt has consumed it, depends on your point of view.
> Strange, I remember an email on this back in Nov 2008, but it appears
> to never have been sent out to the serviceability-dev at
> alias. The primary issue was resources in doing testing and integration
> of a 4th developer forest, the 3 (gc, comp, rt) seemed to be consuming
> all our testing resources.

Ah ok, that makes sense with the separate serviceability tree going too.
I only checked  Maybe it's time to nuke some of
these dead trees? :)

>>> In the meantime, I will take this patch and apply it, and make sure
>>> hotspot still builds with the jdk6 and jdk7 Linux systems we have.
>> Thanks.  HotSpot patches go through JPRT so that should also give it
>> some build testing.
> I fired off two JPRT jobs, one for jdk6 and one for jdk7, with this patch
> applied. Builds and testing. I'll let you know what I find out.
> Testing this particular functionality is another story of course, never
> easy to test features that require something to go wrong... ;^)
> -kto
>>> -kto
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Andrew.

Andrew :-)

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