Code review request for 6908131 Pure Java implementations of StrictMath.floor(double) &StrictMath.ceil(double)

Joe Darcy Joe.Darcy at Sun.COM
Thu Jan 21 22:38:49 UTC 2010

A few comments.

First, part and parcel of doing numerical libraries work is developing 
tests; see, "Test where the failures are likely to be" 
(  An 
obvious set of tests to run are the regression tests I wrote as part of 
the fix for this bug 

Second, micro-benchmarking Java programs is a subtle art; see Cliff 
Click's various writeups for guidance, including

Various benchmarks are examined by the performance team.  You can assume 
  benchmarks Sun publishes numbers on are included in the set of 
benchmarks of interest :-)


Jeff Hain wrote:
> Dmitry,
>  From your bench, I see FloorCeil methods get in trouble
> with 64 bits architecture, but I never ran anything on 64 bits yet.
> I ran your bench on my laptop:
> - DELL inspiron 9400, with (two) Genuine Intel T2300 @ 1.666GHz.
> - java.runtime.version=1.6.0_11-b03
> - java.class.version=50.0
> - XP
> - os.arch=x86
> - os..version=5.1
> I added two patterns:
> - pattern3 ("common" case (for doubles) of non-integer values) {
>             0.1, -0.1,
>         1e4+0.1, -1e4-0.1,
>         1e8+0.1, -1e8-0.1,
>        1e12+0.1, -1e12-0.1,
>    (1L<<52)/1.1, -(1L<<52)/1.1}
> - pattern4 (case of integer values) {
>             0.0, -0.0,
>             1e4, -1e4,
>             1e8, -1e8,
>        (1L<<52), -(1L<<52),
>        (1L<<60), -(1L<<60)}
> I also added test of the pure Java StrictMath class (which is the one 
> you ran
> as "StrictMath" in your bench?) posted on this subject: "StrictMath_JD".
> Here is what I got:
> -----------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------
> pattern 1:
> empty                took       4,42 nsec 
> Math.ceil            took      63,77 nsec 
> Math.floor           took      67,55 nsec 
> StrictMath.ceil      took      64,20 nsec 
> StrictMath.floor     took      68,76 nsec 
> StrictMath_JD.ceil   took      52,58 nsec 
> StrictMath_JD.floor  took      53,57 nsec 
> FloorCeil.ceil       took      24,31 nsec 
> FloorCeil.floor      took      18,37 nsec 
> pattern 2:
> empty                took       4,50 nsec
> Math.ceil            took     110,95 nsec
> Math.floor           took     110,42 nsec
> StrictMath.ceil      took     111,38 nsec
> StrictMath.floor     took     110,97 nsec
> StrictMath_JD.ceil   took      48,95 nsec
> StrictMath_JD.floor  took      49,38 nsec
> FloorCeil.ceil       took      23,29 nsec
> FloorCeil.floor      took      20,81 nsec
> pattern 3:
> empty                took       4,39 nsec
> Math.ceil            took     111,72 nsec
> Math.floor           took     114,48 nsec
> StrictMath.ceil      took     113,68 nsec
> StrictMath.floor     took     114,32 nsec
> StrictMath_JD.ceil   took      60,23 nsec
> StrictMath_JD.floor  took      60,13 nsec
> FloorCeil.ceil       took      27,11 nsec
> FloorCeil.floor      took      23,77 nsec
> pattern 4:
> empty                took       4,38 nsec
> Math.ceil            took     113,49 nsec
> Math.floor           took     113,34 nsec
> StrictMath.ceil      took     110,35 nsec
> StrictMath.floor     took     112,95 nsec
> StrictMath_JD.ceil   took      43,69 nsec
> StrictMath_JD.floor  took      44,28 nsec
> FloorCeil.ceil       took      22,09 nsec
> FloorCeil.floor      took      18,71 nsec
> -----------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------
> pattern 1:
> empty                took       2,40 nsec 
> Math.ceil            took      64,61 nsec 
> Math.floor           took      65,14 nsec 
> StrictMath.ceil      took      63,93 nsec 
> StrictMath.floor     took      65,99 nsec 
> StrictMath_JD.ceil   took      37,52 nsec 
> StrictMath_JD.floor  took      39,77 nsec 
> FloorCeil.ceil       took      21,36 nsec 
> FloorCeil.floor      took      13,96 nsec 
> pattern 2:
> empty                took       2,23 nsec
> Math.ceil            took     112,42 nsec
> Math.floor           took     110,88 nsec
> StrictMath.ceil      took     112,05 nsec
> StrictMath.floor     took     113,54 nsec
> StrictMath_JD.ceil   took      33,98 nsec
> StrictMath_JD.floor  took      33,97 nsec
> FloorCeil.ceil       took      22,09 nsec
> FloorCeil.floor      took      16,75 nsec
> pattern 3:
> empty                took       2,19 nsec
> Math.ceil            took     113,67 nsec
> Math.floor           took     113,53 nsec
> StrictMath.ceil      took     114,46 nsec
> StrictMath.floor     took     115,02 nsec
> StrictMath_JD.ceil   took      44,19 nsec
> StrictMath_JD.floor  took      43,57 nsec
> FloorCeil.ceil       took      25,57 nsec
> FloorCeil.floor      took      20,95 nsec
> pattern 4:
> empty                took       2,45 nsec
> Math.ceil            took     108,56 nsec
> Math.floor           took     112,96 nsec
> StrictMath.ceil      took     109,43 nsec
> StrictMath.floor     took     113,14 nsec
> StrictMath_JD.ceil   took      30,18 nsec
> StrictMath_JD.floor  took      31,07 nsec
> FloorCeil.ceil       took      18,11 nsec
> FloorCeil.floor      took      15,91 nsec
> -----------------------------------------
> Jeff
> PS : The ceil and floor I posted here are an extract of a FastMath class 
> (I already
>      see some people in this mailing list invoking the gods against me 
> while having
>      a heart attack at the hearing of this class name) I did, and put on 
> source
>      forge (I already told about it in this list few months ago): maybe 
> some of
>      you might want to take a look at it (it's called "FastMath", but 
> not ALL of
>      its treatments are wrong...).

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