Code review request for 6908131 Pure Java implementations of StrictMath.floor(double) &StrictMath.ceil(double)

Martin Buchholz martinrb at
Fri Jan 29 05:13:50 UTC 2010

I think it's reasonable to have small microbenchmarks of
JDK functionality in the openjdk code base.
I've done that occasionally myself in the jdk/test directory.

More serious implementation-independent benchmarking efforts
should probably have their own project, as with e.g. DaCapo.
Maybe there's already a Java community benchmarking project
that would be interested in math-related things?


On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 22:04, Dmitry Nadezhin <Dmitry.Nadezhin at> wrote:
> Joe,
> I'm interested in micro-benchmarking of math in OpenJDK .
> This includes a choice of proper framework, a choice of representative
> patterns (or testsuites).
> Will math micro-benchmarking be ever hosted by OpenJDK ?
> Or I should develop them elsewhere ?

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