Timer death

David Holmes David.Holmes at oracle.com
Wed Jul 14 23:20:00 UTC 2010

Florian Weimer said the following on 07/14/10 23:25:
> * Pawel Veselov:
>> The fact that I catch any Throwable around the code that threw the
>> OOM error didn't particularly help. The error was logged, but the
>> timer thread still died.
> By definition, a VM which throws an Error (or even
> VirtualMachineError) is unstable and needs to be restarted.  The
> description of VirtualMachineError makes that pretty clear.  You
> cannot even know that the thread that triggers such exceptions is
> responsible for their actual cause.

An OutOfMemoryError for the Java heap does not fall into that category. 
OOM is a transient failure in many circumstances.

David Holmes

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