Bugs in java.util.ArrayList, java.util.Hashtable and java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Tue Mar 9 15:44:22 UTC 2010

Am 09.03.2010 12:02, schrieb Kevin L. Stern:
> I did a quick search and it appears that Java is indeed two's 
> complement based.  Nonetheless, please allow me to point out that, in 
> general, this type of code worries me since I fully expect that at 
> some point someone will come along and do exactly what Dmytro 
> suggested; that is, someone will change:
> if (a - b > 0)
> to
> if (a > b)
> and the entire ship will sink.  I, personally, like to avoid 
> obscurities such as making integer overflow an essential basis for my 
> algorithm unless there is a good reason to do so.  I would, in 
> general, prefer to avoid overflow altogether and to make the overflow 
> scenario more explicit:


I think those optimizations should be done by HotSpot.


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