Progress of patches

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Wed Mar 10 17:58:11 UTC 2010

Hi Martin,

there wasn't enough time today, so please wait for tomorrow.

In brief:
- I wouldn't rename to isBMPCodePoint(), because there are many other 
names in Surrogate class that don't sync to Character and and a usages 
search in sun.nio.cs.* or where ever else could be omitted. Better add 
"//  return Character.isBMPCodePoint(uc);" as hint for the future.
- Thanks for mention me as contributor.
- Doesn't the bug description include the addition of isBMPCodePoint() 
to class Character and the equivalent enhancement to 
isSupplementaryCodePoint() ?


Am 10.03.2010 02:23, schrieb Ulf Zibis:
> Much thanks Martin,
> I'll do it tomorrow. Now it's time to sleep here in Germany.
> -Ulf
> Am 10.03.2010 02:10, schrieb Martin Buchholz:
>> Do you have a collection of patch files to be upstreamed?
>> Easiest for me would be a publicly readable
>> directory of patches like I maintain on
>> that I can
>> hg qimport
>> into my own mq outgoing jdk repo.
>> (Thanks for your hard work)
>> Martin

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