review request for 6798511/6860431: Include functionality of Surrogate in Character

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Fri Mar 19 21:46:29 UTC 2010

Am 16.03.2010 23:35, schrieb Xueming Shen:
> Martin Buchholz wrote:
>> The primary theory here is that branches are expensive,
>> and we are reducing them by one.
> There are still two branches in new impl, if you count the "ifeq" and 
> "if_icmpge"(?)
> We are trying to "optimize" this piece of code with the assumption 
> that the new impl MIGHT help certain vm (hotspot?)
> to optimize certain use scenario (some consecutive usages), if the 
> compiler and/or the vm are both smart enough at certain
> point, with no supporting benchmark data?

I've finished the benchmark:

The results:
time1: 2316,213 ms  ..à la Martin
time2: 1267,063 ms
time3: 1245,972 ms  ..using isValidCodePoint
time4: 1467,570 ms  ..validate version   (slower, because of 
unreasonable HotSpot optimizing, see "C2 optimization bug ?" in 
hotspot-compiler-dev list)

Here see the disassembly snippets:


Little NetBeans project:

Now I have two patches in my mq queue.
Martin, how do I create 2 exports in the form, you would like?
Should I use hg export with some magic option?


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