review request for 6798511/6860431: Include functionality of Surrogate in Character

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Sun Mar 21 15:42:26 UTC 2010

Am 21.03.2010 08:56, schrieb Martin Buchholz:
> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 14:52, Ulf Zibis<Ulf.Zibis at>  wrote:
> I now believe we should provide
> Character.highSurrogate and Character.lowSurrogate
> as you have been advocating.
> If Sherman agrees, let's put a proper patch for this together.

- I too would move the charCount logic from String(int[], int, int) to 
class Character, at least as package private helper method. There just 
is another charCount method in good neighbourhood.
- Additionally, may be a logic to handle invalid surrogate code points 
would be interesting.

I've attached the newest version of my patch, which you can compare with 
your current state, ignoring some style differences etc.


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