A List implementation backed by multiple small arrays rather than the traditional single large array.

Kevin L. Stern kevin.l.stern at gmail.com
Wed Mar 31 23:36:13 UTC 2010

What am I missing here?  In "Resizable arrays in optimal time and space" the
authors define their data structure with the following property:

(1)  "When superblock SB_k is fully allocated, it consists of 2^(floor(k/2))
data blocks, each of size 2^(ceil(k/2))."

Since the superblock is zero-based indexed this implies the following

SB_0: [1]
SB_1: [2]
SB_2: [2][2]
SB_3: [4][4]
SB_4: [4][4][4][4]

Let's have a look at Algorithm 3, Locate(i), with i = 3:

r = 100 (the binary expansion of i + 1)
k = |r| - 1 = 2
p = 2^k - 1 = 3

What concerns me is their statement that p represents "the number of data
blocks in superblocks prior to SB_k."  There are only two data blocks in
superblocks prior to SB_2, not three.  Given (1) above, unless I'm
misinterpreting it, the number of data blocks in superblocks prior to SB_k
should be:

2 * Sum[i=0->k/2-1] 2^i = 2 * (2^(k/2) - 1)

This, of course, seems to work out much better in my example above, giving
the correct answer to my interpretation of their data structure, but I have
a hard time believing that this is their mistake rather than my



On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 5:20 PM, Martin Buchholz <martinrb at google.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 04:25, Kevin L. Stern <kevin.l.stern at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Martin,
> >
> > Thanks much for your feedback.  The first approach that comes to mind to
> > implement O(1) time front as well as rear insertion is to create a cyclic
> > list structure with a front/rear pointer - to insert at the front
> requires
> > decrementing the front pointer (modulo the size) and to insert at the
> rear
> > requires incrementing the rear pointer (modulo the size).  We need to
> resize
> > when the two pointers bump into each other.  Could you explain more about
> > your suggestion of introducing an arraylet that is shared by the front
> and
> > the rear?
> It was a half-baked idea - I don't know if there's a way to turn it into
> something useful.  I was thinking of the ArrayDeque implementation,
> where all the elements live in a single array.
> >  It's not clear to me how that would help and/or be a better
> > approach than the cyclic list.  Anyhow, the paper that you reference,
> > "Resizable arrays in optimal time and space", gives a deque so if we take
> > that approach then the deque is specified.
> Technically, ArrayList also supports the Deque operations -
> just not efficiently.
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