A List implementation backed by multiple small arrays rather than the traditional single large array.
Kevin L. Stern
kevin.l.stern at gmail.com
Sun May 9 13:14:16 UTC 2010
Trying to understand this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
final NumberFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0.000000");
final Random rng = new Random();
final int maxSize = 100000;
final int warmup = 100;
final long[] time = new long[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
if (i % 3 == 0)
List<Integer> cad = new ChunkedArrayDeque<Integer>();
List<Integer> al = new ArrayList<Integer>(1);
int size = rng.nextInt(maxSize - 1) + 1;
long thisTime = System.nanoTime();
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (i > warmup)
time[0] += System.nanoTime() - thisTime;
thisTime = System.nanoTime();
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (i > warmup)
time[1] += System.nanoTime() - thisTime;
System.out.println(format.format((double)time[1] / time[0]));
Consistently prints around 0.834112, whereas if I change
List<Integer> al = new ArrayList<Integer>(1);
ArrayList<Integer> al = new ArrayList<Integer>(1);
I consistently see around 0.965947.
Any ideas why the type of the reference would make such a difference?
On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 4:25 AM, Benedict Elliott Smith <lists at laerad.com>wrote:
> Wow, those numbers really are very impressive. I had to double check
> against your previous statistics to confirm the direction of the ratio...
> Those numbers make this data structure look like the weapon of choice for
> any but the smallest of lists.
> On 24 April 2010 19:41, Kevin L. Stern <kevin.l.stern at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Benedict,
>> You are absolutely right - the constant on the cost of growth is going to
>> be higher with the new data structure. That being said, the performance
>> numbers that I'm getting with it are actually quite impressive when compared
>> to ArrayList:
>> Note that all numbers are with a client VM and are generated using the
>> same routine that I used for the ChunkedArrayList performance numbers.
>> 1000000 elements:
>> Add to ChunkedArrayDeque over ArrayList: 0.89
>> Indexed access ChunkedArrayDeque over ArrayList: 0.81
>> Iterator ChunkedArrayDeque over ArrayList: 0.51
>> 100000 elements:
>> Add to ChunkedArrayDeque over ArrayList: 1.01
>> Indexed access ChunkedArrayDeque over ArrayList: 0.79
>> Iterator ChunkedArrayDeque over ArrayList: 0.50
>> 10000 elements:
>> Add to ChunkedArrayDeque over ArrayList: 1.15
>> Indexed access ChunkedArrayDeque over ArrayList: 1.15
>> Iterator ChunkedArrayDeque over ArrayList: 0.51
>> 1000 elements:
>> Add to ChunkedArrayDeque over ArrayList: 1.35
>> Indexed access ChunkedArrayDeque over ArrayList: 1.12
>> Iterator ChunkedArrayDeque over ArrayList: 0.54
>> Kevin
>> On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 1:27 PM, Benedict Elliott Smith <lists at laerad.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Yes, I had spotted that benefit - but (please correct me if I am
>>> misreading this as it is quite possible) in order to maintain your array
>>> allocation invariant, array copies are needed (rather than straight
>>> allocations) - and so the cost of growth is likely to be noticeably larger.
>>> That said, if random access is considerably quicker this might be a sensible
>>> trade off, but perhaps there is a place for both data structures.
>>> On 24 April 2010 19:14, Kevin L. Stern <kevin.l.stern at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Benedict,
>>>> Thanks, I'll definitely give this a try. I certainly don't see any
>>>> issue with skipping the size 1 array in order to speed up general operation.
>>>> By the way, I'm currently focused a bit more on the deque - I'm not sure
>>>> that anything is going to come of this ChunkedArrayList on its own. With
>>>> the deque, index decomposition is much faster than any of these
>>>> implementations as it lends itself to bit operations without the requirement
>>>> of computing the logarithm.
>>>> Kevin
>>>> On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 12:30 PM, Benedict Elliott Smith <
>>>> lists at laerad.com> wrote:
>>>>> If you want a drop in replacement with minimal fuss to test it out, try
>>>>> below (although it's a quick hack of including the
>>>>> Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros() call to avoid its now unnecessary non-zero
>>>>> test, and instead utilise this op to return the zero index). Just delete the
>>>>> existing get() method and replace it with this code. Actually this version
>>>>> seems to improve throughput further - on my laptop regular ChunkedArrayList
>>>>> is currently averaging around 790ms per run of my hacky speed test, whereas
>>>>> with the modifications below it averages around 610ms, making it almost 25%
>>>>> faster. I've included my performance benchmark as well, for reference. I'm
>>>>> sure with some thought a better one could be put together.
>>>>> private static final int arrayIndex2(int index) {
>>>>> if (index == 1)
>>>>> return 0 ;
>>>>> int i = index >>> 1 ;
>>>>> int n = 1;
>>>>> if (i >>> 16 == 0) { n += 16; i <<= 16; }
>>>>> if (i >>> 24 == 0) { n += 8; i <<= 8; }
>>>>> if (i >>> 28 == 0) { n += 4; i <<= 4; }
>>>>> if (i >>> 30 == 0) { n += 2; i <<= 2; }
>>>>> n -= i >>> 31;
>>>>> final int arraySizeShiftMinusSeed = (31 - n) >>> 1 ;
>>>>> final int b1 = (2 << arraySizeShiftMinusSeed <<
>>>>> arraySizeShiftMinusSeed) ;
>>>>> final int a1 = (1 << arraySizeShiftMinusSeed + 2) ;
>>>>> final int b2 = index - b1 ;
>>>>> final int a2 = (1 << arraySizeShiftMinusSeed) ;
>>>>> final int b4 = b2 >>> arraySizeShiftMinusSeed + 1 ;
>>>>> final int av = a1 - a2 ;
>>>>> final int bv = b4 - 2 ;
>>>>> return av + bv ;
>>>>> }
>>>>> @Override
>>>>> public T get(int index) {
>>>>> if ((0 > index) | (index >= _size))
>>>>> throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
>>>>> index += 1 ;
>>>>> final Object[] array = _backingArray[arrayIndex2(index)] ;
>>>>> return (T) array[index & (array.length - 1)] ;
>>>>> }
>>>>> //// benchmarked by
>>>>> static final int count = 1 << 24 ;
>>>>> static final int mask = count - 1 ;
>>>>> public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>>> double sum = 0 ;
>>>>> final List<Integer> list = new ChunkedArrayList<Integer>() ;
>>>>> for (int i = 0 ; i != count ; i++)
>>>>> list.add(i) ;
>>>>> for (int r = 0 ; r != 100 ; r++) {
>>>>> final long start = System.currentTimeMillis() ;
>>>>> int o = 0 ;
>>>>> for (int j = 0 ; j != count ; j++) {
>>>>> list.get((j + o) & mask) ;
>>>>> o += 1 ;
>>>>> }
>>>>> final long end = System.currentTimeMillis() ;
>>>>> sum += (end - start) ;
>>>>> System.out.println(String.format("run %d:
>>>>> %dms; avg=%.0fms", r, (end - start), sum / (r + 1))) ;
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> On 24 April 2010 09:34, Benedict Elliott Smith <lists at laerad.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>>>> If you are willing to change the pattern of allocation just slightly,
>>>>>> I have come up with an alternate algorithm (optimised for the seed = 1 case)
>>>>>> that on my laptop I notice around a 10-20% speed up over ChunkedArrayList
>>>>>> for random(ish) calls to get() on a list of size 1 << 24. The change is to
>>>>>> simply drop your first array allocation (so that there are no arrays of size
>>>>>> 1, but that all remaining allocations follow the existing pattern), as this
>>>>>> allows simplifying the algorithm noticeably (several ops in the previous
>>>>>> algorithm were unnecessary for any but the first two arrays).
>>>>>> My get(index) method is defined as:
>>>>>> if ((index < 0) | (index >= _size))
>>>>>> throw new IllegalArgumentException() ;
>>>>>> index += 2 ;
>>>>>> final Object[] array = _backingArray[arrayFor(index)] ;
>>>>>> return (T) array[index & (array.length - 1)] ;
>>>>>> and arrayFor(index) is defined as:
>>>>>> private static final int arrayFor(int index) {
>>>>>> final int arraySizeShiftMinusSeed = (31 -
>>>>>> Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(index >>> 1)) >>> 1 ;
>>>>>> final int b1 = (2 << arraySizeShiftMinusSeed <<
>>>>>> arraySizeShiftMinusSeed) ;
>>>>>> final int a1 = (1 << arraySizeShiftMinusSeed + 2) ;
>>>>>> final int b2 = index - b1 ;
>>>>>> final int a2 = (1 << arraySizeShiftMinusSeed) ;
>>>>>> final int b4 = b2 >>> arraySizeShiftMinusSeed + 1 ;
>>>>>> final int av = a1 - a2 ;
>>>>>> final int bv = b4 - 3 ;
>>>>>> return av + bv ;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> I have deliberately interleaved the calculations here to make sure the
>>>>>> pipeline is being used (just in case javac+hotspot are not re-ordering the
>>>>>> intermediate calculations for us)
>>>>>> On 24 April 2010 08:24, Benedict Elliott Smith <lists at laerad.com>wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>>>>> It looks like this is because ChunkedArrayList creates only one
>>>>>>> initial array of size s, whereas my algorithm expects two . Apologies for
>>>>>>> not spotting this - the pattern of allocations is identical after this
>>>>>>> point. I'll see if it can be modified to support your pattern of allocation.
>>>>>>> On 24 April 2010 01:31, Kevin L. Stern <kevin.l.stern at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Benedict,
>>>>>>>> I took a look at your index decomposition routine; it was not
>>>>>>>> working for seed = 1 until I made index the query index plus one (similar to
>>>>>>>> my r variable) and arrayIndex ((firstArrayOfThisSize + arrayOffset) &
>>>>>>>> Integer.MAX_VALUE) - 1 (notice I'm subtracting one). Once I made these
>>>>>>>> changes the routine was actually slower than my version (although not by
>>>>>>>> much). Let me know if you have a better way to bring your routine in line
>>>>>>>> with the arraylet structure.
>>>>>>>> Kevin
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Benedict Elliott Smith <
>>>>>>>> lists at laerad.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately this week has been pretty hectic, and I haven't had
>>>>>>>>> much time to much more than theorise on this topic - and this weekend the
>>>>>>>>> weather looks set to be much too nice to stay in doors! It looks like you've
>>>>>>>>> made really good progress on the ChunkedArrayDeque - I haven't fully
>>>>>>>>> digested it yet, but it looks pretty impressive. I'm not sure (since I
>>>>>>>>> misunderstood your list implementation prior to reading it in detail) but I
>>>>>>>>> think I may have been toying with a similar growth strategy for a hash map
>>>>>>>>> variant since the copies are necessary there anyway.
>>>>>>>>> I have taken another look at the index algorithm and have tidied it
>>>>>>>>> up as below, and it now supports a seed size of 1; however I am not sure
>>>>>>>>> that using a value this small is advisable, given that the overhead for the
>>>>>>>>> first array is at least 60 bytes; with a seed size of 1 the first 8 indexes
>>>>>>>>> would utilise less than 20% of the allocated memory for data, the first 24
>>>>>>>>> less than 25%. I would have thought a seed of at least 2 and perhaps 3 would
>>>>>>>>> be advisable.
>>>>>>>>> As an aside, it is worth noting that the indexOffset calculation
>>>>>>>>> below can be replaced with index & (_backingArray[arrayIndex].length - 1) ,
>>>>>>>>> although I am not certain what effect this will have on performance, given
>>>>>>>>> that this would be another memory operation to retrieve the length from the
>>>>>>>>> array; but it would make the separation of the calculation into functions
>>>>>>>>> more straight forward.
>>>>>>>>> final int arraySizeShiftMinusSeed = (31 -
>>>>>>>>> Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(index >>> seed)) >>> 1 ;
>>>>>>>>> final int arraySizeShift = arraySizeShiftMinusSeed + seed ;
>>>>>>>>> final int firstArrayOfThisSize =
>>>>>>>>> (1 << arraySizeShiftMinusSeed + 2)
>>>>>>>>> - (1 << arraySizeShiftMinusSeed)
>>>>>>>>> - 1 - (arraySizeShift >>> 31) ;
>>>>>>>>> final int indexRemainder = index - (1 << arraySizeShift <<
>>>>>>>>> arraySizeShiftMinusSeed) ;
>>>>>>>>> final int arrayOffset = indexRemainder >>> arraySizeShift ;
>>>>>>>>> final int arrayIndex = (firstArrayOfThisSize + arrayOffset) &
>>>>>>>>> Integer.MAX_VALUE ;
>>>>>>>>> final int itemIndex = index & ((1 << arraySizeShift) - 1) ;
>>>>>>>>> On 23 April 2010 11:00, Kevin L. Stern <kevin.l.stern at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Benedict,
>>>>>>>>>> Have you had a chance to get your index decomposition procedure to
>>>>>>>>>> work with seed values less than two?
>>>>>>>>>> Kevin
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Benedict Elliott Smith <
>>>>>>>>>> lists at laerad.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>>>>>>>>> As it happens I might have something useful still to contribute.
>>>>>>>>>>> As an exercise in saving face I revisited the problem to see if I could
>>>>>>>>>>> achieve the same complexity bounds as ChunkedArrayList but with a lower
>>>>>>>>>>> overhead. I must admit I still didn't fully appreciate how the algorithm in
>>>>>>>>>>> ChunkedArrayList worked until I tried to come up with an algorithm with
>>>>>>>>>>> similar properties. What I have ended up with is almost identical except
>>>>>>>>>>> adds I think a couple of incremental improvements, simply by redefining the
>>>>>>>>>>> arrayIndex() method. I should note that I have not yet implemented more than
>>>>>>>>>>> a prototype as it seems to me your implementation is excellent already, and
>>>>>>>>>>> if it is decided to include my modifications the changes should be modest.
>>>>>>>>>>> Firstly, (I hope that) what I have produced is a little more CPU
>>>>>>>>>>> pipe-line friendly; there is less dependency on immediately preceding
>>>>>>>>>>> calculations at each stage (i.e. so more operations should be able to
>>>>>>>>>>> proceed simultaneously in the pipeline), and consists exclusively of shifts,
>>>>>>>>>>> addition/subtraction and bit-wise (&)ands (except for the conditionals in
>>>>>>>>>>> Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(i)), although the total number of instructions
>>>>>>>>>>> is approximately the same.
>>>>>>>>>>> Secondly, I have modified the algorithm so that a "seed" size can
>>>>>>>>>>> be specified (although I expect hard coding a suitable one will ultimately
>>>>>>>>>>> be best). Whereas ChunkedArrayList currently requires that the pattern of
>>>>>>>>>>> array allocation sizes be [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4(..*6), 8(..*12), 16(..*24)] we
>>>>>>>>>>> can now support, for some "*s*", [*s*(..*2), 2*s*(..*3), 4*s*(..*6),
>>>>>>>>>>> 8*s*(..*12), 16*s*(..*24)] etc. although when put in simple text
>>>>>>>>>>> like that it does appear to trivialise the change. The benefit of this,
>>>>>>>>>>> though, is two fold: 1) for small n the constant factor is reduced (both CPU
>>>>>>>>>>> and memory wise); and 2) the sqrt(n) bounds are reached more quickly also.
>>>>>>>>>>> As an illustration, consider setting *s* to 4, and assume the
>>>>>>>>>>> backing array is size two and doubles in size with each growth; with
>>>>>>>>>>> ChunkedArrayList we would resize at i=2, i=6, i=20, i=72; with *
>>>>>>>>>>> s* as 4 we would instead resize at i=8,i=24,i=80,i=288; the cost
>>>>>>>>>>> at each would be some multiple of 2,4,8,16 respectively. As you can see the
>>>>>>>>>>> latter is much closer to the sqrt(n) cost - both approach it eventually, but
>>>>>>>>>>> my suggestion is to reach it more quickly. This is at the expense of more
>>>>>>>>>>> slowly reaching the sqrt(n) wasted memory condition, but given the high
>>>>>>>>>>> constant factor cost wrt to memory at this early stage, this seems a very
>>>>>>>>>>> sensible trade off. It seems likely this should also have a positive impact
>>>>>>>>>>> on cache performance for smaller lists as well.
>>>>>>>>>>> Finally, after playing with this idea in my head I am confident I
>>>>>>>>>>> can extend the core ideas of this data structure to hashing relatively
>>>>>>>>>>> easily, getting the the same worst case O(sqrt(n)) insertion cost, and
>>>>>>>>>>> O(sqrt(n)) wasted memory guarantees. I notice that this case hasn't been
>>>>>>>>>>> addressed yet, although I see from Martin's recent mail that this was raised
>>>>>>>>>>> before. Unless there are better suggestions for solving the hash table
>>>>>>>>>>> problem I will have a go at it as it seems an interesting problem - that is,
>>>>>>>>>>> assuming there are no objections?
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm interested to hear your thoughts. I hope this time I've been
>>>>>>>>>>> a bit more considered in what I've put forward, and hence less of a waste of
>>>>>>>>>>> time!
>>>>>>>>>>> Code snippet for calculation of array index and item offset:
>>>>>>>>>>> final int arraySizeShiftMinusSeed = ((31 -
>>>>>>>>>>> Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(index >>> seed)) >>> 1) ;
>>>>>>>>>>> final int arraySizeShift = arraySizeShiftMinusSeed + seed ;
>>>>>>>>>>> final int firstArrayOfThisSize = ((((1 <<
>>>>>>>>>>> arraySizeShiftMinusSeed + 3) - (1 << arraySizeShiftMinusSeed + 1))) >>> 1) -
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 ;
>>>>>>>>>>> final int indexRemainder = index - ((1 << seed) <<
>>>>>>>>>>> arraySizeShiftMinusSeed + arraySizeShiftMinusSeed) ;
>>>>>>>>>>> final int arrayOffset = indexRemainder >>> arraySizeShift ;
>>>>>>>>>>> final int arrayIndex = firstArrayOfThisSize + arrayOffset ;
>>>>>>>>>>> final int itemIndex = index & ((1 << arraySizeShift) - 1) ;
>>>>>>>>>>> the first array size will be 1 << seed - 1 (i.e. seed is equal to
>>>>>>>>>>> *s* + 1); seed only works for values for 2 or more at this
>>>>>>>>>>> moment, fyi
>>>>>>>>>>> On 16 April 2010 00:18, Kevin L. Stern <kevin.l.stern at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh no worries Benedict, thanks for your interest in the topic.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Let me know if you have any other questions or if you have any related ideas
>>>>>>>>>>>> or concerns.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 8:00 AM, Benedict Elliott Smith <
>>>>>>>>>>>> lists at laerad.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry Kevin - it sounds like I might be being of more hindrance
>>>>>>>>>>>>> than help. that part of the discussion was clearly truncated by the time I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> had joined the list - I haven't been able to find the history in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> archives either...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was just wondering about the worst case cost of add() as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> described by your javadoc; admittedly it is optimal with respect to unused
>>>>>>>>>>>>> memory, but the worst case cost of an add is still sqrt(n), with a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> relatively high constant factor. I had been thinking that once n passed a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> threshold the cost of additions in this other structure would become a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> constant factor, offering nice algorithmic complexity guarantees for large
>>>>>>>>>>>>> n; however since sqrt(Integer.MAX_VALUE) is ~46,000, the maximum size of new
>>>>>>>>>>>>> array allocations would have to be unrealistically small (assuming linear
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cost for allocation) for this to be the case. It would still be nice to have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a data structure that avoids needing to copy data with each grow, whilst
>>>>>>>>>>>>> still maintaining good memory performance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That *all* being said, I had been going by your javadoc and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> emails to ascertain the behaviour of this class, as I couldn't locate a free
>>>>>>>>>>>>> copy of [Brodnik99resizablearrays], and it seems this was a bad idea; as the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sqrt(n) cost appears to be associated with growing the backing array, rather
>>>>>>>>>>>>> than with what I assumed to be copying data between arraylets, and it seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this cost is pretty optimal. That will teach me to post to a list without
>>>>>>>>>>>>> getting my facts straight first. The interesting thing is simply that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> constant factor for this implementation still seems to be quite high,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> although perhaps that is simply because I was not benchmarking sufficiently
>>>>>>>>>>>>> large values of n.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 15 April 2010 12:12, Kevin L. Stern <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> kevin.l.stern at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Benedict,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unless I am misreading your post, this now has a very similar
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feel to the first data structure that I posted to the list. Martin Buchholz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then pointed out that we can incorporate the ideas from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Brodnik99resizablearrays] and reap additional benefits.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 4:07 AM, Benedict Elliott Smith <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lists at laerad.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, as I was going to bed last night I realised I had not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fully addressed the problem that was originally being visited; only reduced
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the constant factor for addition to the end of the list. A trivial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modification fixes that, however; same scheme but up to some maximum
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arraylet size (of a power of 2), after which the array is increased in size
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> linearly. Performance doesn't seem to have been affected appreciably,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> although not been exhaustive in the benchmarking:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 items inserts versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.15,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ExpArray=1.16
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 items inserts Chunked / ExpArray = 0.99
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 items get versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.15, ExpArray=1.16
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 items get Chunked / ExpArray = 0.99
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 items inserts versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.24,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ExpArray=1.01
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 items inserts Chunked / ExpArray = 1.23
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 items get versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.24, ExpArray=1.01
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 items get Chunked / ExpArray = 1.23
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 items inserts versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.22,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ExpArray=1.03
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 items inserts Chunked / ExpArray = 1.19
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 items get versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.22, ExpArray=1.03
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 items get Chunked / ExpArray = 1.19
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 items inserts versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.22,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ExpArray=1.03
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 items inserts Chunked / ExpArray = 1.18
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 items get versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.22, ExpArray=1.03
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 items get Chunked / ExpArray = 1.18
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100000 items inserts versus ArrayList: Chunked=0.82,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ExpArray=0.75
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100000 items inserts Chunked / ExpArray = 1.09
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100000 items get versus ArrayList: Chunked=0.82,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ExpArray=0.75
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100000 items get Chunked / ExpArray = 1.09
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The nice thing about this is that the maximum amount of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wasted memory is user configurable. Even with a low setting as above (65K)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> performance seems pretty consistent.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Code for calculating index and array offset are pretty
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> straight forward; haven't given much thought to optimisations just yet:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> private final int indexFor(int a, int i) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> return 1 + i - (a > maxArrayIndex ? (1 + a - maxArrayIndex)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> << maxArraySizeShift : 1 << a) ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> private final int arrayFor(int i) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> return i >= (maxArraySize << 1) ? (i + 1 >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maxArraySizeShift) + maxArrayIndex - 1 : 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> + 1) ;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding the double list idea - yes, I agree, I certainly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> didn't think that one through fully!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 15 April 2010 02:44, Kevin L. Stern <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kevin.l.stern at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Benedict,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Like you, I am relatively new to this mailing list; I am
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also trying to tread lightly so as not to step on any toes. That being
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> said, I think that I can offer a response to your inquiry.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding: "The idea is to simply double the new array size
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each time a new array needs to be allocated"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It seems this would not address the desire of offering an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alternative to the allocation of a large backing array for ArrayList (your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> largest backing array could still reach a size of 1/2 * Integer.MAX_VALUE)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and would not address the desire of wasting the (asymptotically) minimum
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amount of memory in the worst case while maintaining O(1) amortized time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bounds. The data structure described in [Brodnik99resizablearrays] has a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maximum backing array size of sqrt(n) and caps wasted memory at sqrt(n).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What advantage over ArrayList do you see in your data structure?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding: "Also, with regard to a Deque implementation, it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems that the simplest solution would be to simply have two lists, with one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accepting inserts for near the beginning and being ordered in reverse whilst
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other accepted inserts for near to the end."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What happens with your structure when you add n elements and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then remove element 0 n times? I think that once you work out all the kinks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you'll end up with the two stacks approach, which is mentioned in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Brodnik99resizablearrays] and which I mentioned in an earlier email, or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you'll end up with the circular list approach, which is not friendly to O(1)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amortized time bounds in a data structure that resizes more often than O(n)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> due to the 'unshift' to the front = 0 position. I think the best approach
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is the one mentioned in [Brodnik99resizablearrays], which is the approach
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that I am currently working on. Incidentally, this approach also provides
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for a much improved index unpacking procedure using only bit shifts and bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> masks, although it is at the expense of (O(1)) additional work during
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resize.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 4:42 PM, Benedict Elliott Smith <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lists at laerad.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope you don't consider it rude to involve myself in this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conversation towards the end - I joined the mailing list only recently.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure if this offers a huge amount to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussion, but I have tinkered with a "chunked" array list which seems to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> offer better time performance in general at the cost of greater (worst case)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> memory utilisation. It is easier to understand IMHO as well, although this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not necessarily a great benefit here. It turns out the idea is very
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> similar to the one implemented already by Kevin, though; but perhaps
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simpler. The idea is to simply double the new array size each time a new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> array needs to be allocated, or in effect allocate an array that is the size
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of all existing arrays put together. With this scheme the calculation for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> array and offset are really very straight forward ( floor(log(i)) and 1 + i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - 2^floor(log(i))) ). Memory utilisation is the same as for ArrayList, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> obviously inserts at the end are much quicker.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have prototyped the data structure this evening and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benchmarked additions at the end of the list, for which the performance is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pretty impressive.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some random statistics for addition only on the client JVM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (I have quickly dubbed my implementation ExpArrayList)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All statistics were run in two rounds with ~1000 runs per
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> round per statistic per list, and the second round results were used.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.14, ExpArray=1.02
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 items Chunked / ExpArray = 1.12
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.20, ExpArray=0.82
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 items Chunked / ExpArray = 1.45
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.03, ExpArray=0.51
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 items Chunked / ExpArray = 2.02
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=0.88, ExpArray=0.49
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 items Chunked / ExpArray = 1.79
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100000 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=0.32, ExpArray=0.20
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100000 items Chunked / ExpArray = 1.64
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and server JVM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.00, ExpArray=1.16
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 items Chunked / ExpArray = 0.86
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.29, ExpArray=0.96
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 items Chunked / ExpArray = 1.34
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.16, ExpArray=0.92
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 items Chunked / ExpArray = 1.27
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=0.93, ExpArray=0.84
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 items Chunked / ExpArray = 1.12
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100000 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=0.71, ExpArray=0.65
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100000 items Chunked / ExpArray = 1.10
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interestingly insertion at the beginning of the list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appears to be quicker with ExpArrayList, at least on the server JVM, whereas
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would have expected them to be fairly close.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amazingly ExpArrayList is faster even than ArrayList for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> insertion at the beginning of large lists, which I haven't yet tried to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand. Insertion in the middle is similar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=9.82, ExpArray=3.80
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 items Chunked / ExpArray = 2.59
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=7.30, ExpArray=3.41
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 items Chunked / ExpArray = 2.14
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=2.83, ExpArray=1.09
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 items Chunked / ExpArray = 2.59
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 items versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.56, ExpArray=0.72
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 items Chunked / ExpArray = 2.16
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Finally, there are promising results for get() from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ExpArrayList as well (server JVM), again somehow beating ArrayList for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> larger lists:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 items get versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.27, ExpArray=1.16
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 items get Chunked / ExpArray = 1.10
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 items get versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.45, ExpArray=1.17
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 items get Chunked / ExpArray = 1.25
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 items get versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.42,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ExpArray=1.07
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 items get Chunked / ExpArray = 1.33
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 items get versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.26,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ExpArray=1.02
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 items get Chunked / ExpArray = 1.24
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100000 items get versus ArrayList: Chunked=1.05,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ExpArray=0.86
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100000 items get Chunked / ExpArray = 1.22
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm willing to explore this further but I'm not sure how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> desirable that is, given that Kevin's data structure appears to perform
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pretty well already wrt to CPU time, and better wrt to memory utilisation,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and in effect this mostly changes only the function to determine which array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to use, not the body of the implementation. Let me know if you would like a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> copy of the source code and I will find somewhere to upload it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also, with regard to a Deque implementation, it seems that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the simplest solution would be to simply have two lists, with one accepting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inserts for near the beginning and being ordered in reverse whilst the other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accepted inserts for near to the end. The only trick would be having the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list at the beginning support iteration in reverse order cheaply, but this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> could easily be achieved by creating an extension of List with a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reverseIterator() method.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anyway, not sure if this helped at all but fancied joining
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 14 April 2010 12:25, Joe Kearney <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joe.j.kearney at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It implements List, as well as Deque. It is indeed based
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on ArrayDeque, with the added operations to implement list. It does so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reasonably efficiently, moving the fewest elements possible on each
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> operation, that is zero for the queue operations, at most n/2 for the rest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and all of them for a backing array resize.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The idea is to get a replacement for arraylist that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> performs like arraydeque on remove(0). As a side effect, we should be able
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to get better performance on other operations by requiring fewer elements to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be moved.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2010/4/14 Kevin L. Stern <kevin.l.stern at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was referring to the ChunkedArrayList when I stated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that add does not amortize to constant time when the data structure employs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the circular list trick to achieve deque behavior; ChunkedArrayList
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially resizes every n^(1/2) operations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding your CircularArrayList, does it differ from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Java's ArrayDeque? I took only a cursory look at it, so please understand
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if I have missed your reason for creating CircularArrayList altogether.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 6:52 AM, Joe Kearney <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joe.j.kearney at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Kevin, Martin,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To add another discussion point, I've been writing a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> draft/proof-of-concept of retrofitting the List interface onto ArrayDeque.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This works over the raw array, it doesn't use the fancier structures being
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussed elsewhere on this list that deal with splitting huge arrays into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arraylets, or that provide for O(1) insert in the middle.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://code.google.com/p/libjoe/source/browse/trunk/src/joe/collect/CircularArrayList.java
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd be interested if you have any comments in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> context of this discussion. The code is not entirely ready yet, a couple of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tests fail (6/789) because of a corner case I haven't nailed yet, but the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> idea is there at least. I'd like to add array shrinking later, when the size
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dips below capacity*0.4 perhaps, to avoid flickering up and down around...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tests show performance to be close to ArrayList for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> O(1) operations. Timings for indexed reads and writes showed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no discernible difference between implementations last time I ran the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tests. I don't understand at the moment why the iterator add at index
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> size/3, size/2 perform 30% slower than ArrayList on smaller lists, nor the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dodgy numbers for ArrayList.insert(5), I'll look at this soon. Those
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> operations that become O(1) in a circular implementation (that are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implemented and tested here) are faster than in ArrayList. Insert/remove in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the middle are somewhat faster than ArrayList because we only have to copy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at most half of the elements, except when resizing the array.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin, I don't fully understand your point about not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amortizing to O(1). Certainly that's true for insert not at head or tail.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Otherwise this implementation only moves array elements to the front on an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> array resize operation which happens every O(ln n) operations at most, if we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do lots of adds, maybe a little more if we add array shrinking too. This is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the same as ArrayList. Are you just referring to the add-in-the-middle case?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some performance results below, code for these is in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repository above too. This was the second run, after a warmup.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CircularArrayList ------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> size add get set iterAdd/3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> iterAdd/2 insert(5) removeRnd removeMid remove(0)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 20 67 70 125
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 102 90 240 191 138
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 19 67 70 166
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 138 94 230 194 118
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 28 64 67 681
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 538 91 324 382 119
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 30 65 67 5884
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4425 94 1296 2330 124
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ArrayList ----------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> size add get set iterAdd/3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> iterAdd/2 insert(5) removeRnd removeMid remove(0)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 23 68 70 100
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 69 32913 162 130 105
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100 20 67 70 129
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 104 21944 169 134 135
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1000 29 63 67 651
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 506 9602 364 333 526
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10000 30 63 66 5878
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4414 9947 2312 2280 4437
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2010/4/13 Kevin L. Stern <kevin.l.stern at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I had intended to address your request for absolute
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> O(1) operations in the previous email. The approach to achieving this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suggested in [Brodnik99resizablearrays] is tantamount to making ArrayList
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> operations absolute O(1) by keeping around an array of size (3/2)*n and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> filling it with a constant number of entries from the main array each time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add is called. Although this distributes the work done during a resize
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> across the n operations required to enter a resize-required state, it is at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the expense of additional memory usage and slower add operations. My
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thought is that this would be a fine approach for a real-time application
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that requires hard guarantees on performance but would be a liability in so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many Java applications that do not require these hard guarantees. I look
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forward to hearing your thoughts on the matter, though.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 6:18 AM, Kevin L. Stern <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kevin.l.stern at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's interesting to note that the old circular list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trick will not suffice to turn this data structure into a deque since we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> might be copying all n elements back to the front = 0 position every n^(1/2)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> operations (add wouldn't amortize to O(1)). We could use the old two stacks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trick (push elements onto one stack, flip (the bottom) half (of) the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> elements to the 'other' stack when the 'other' stack becomes empty),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mentioned in [Brodnik99resizablearrays], but I find this to be a bit CS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 101. In [Brodnik99resizablearrays] the authors suggest a method for making
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all blocks roughly the same size, allowing us to expand/shrink capacity at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the beginning or the end; this is the approach that I will take to create a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deque.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The FAQ for the Sun Contributor Agreement Q3 (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.sun.com/software/opensource/contributor_agreement.jsp#sa_3)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indicates that one should check with the project to determine where the SCA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be sent. Do you know where I would find this information?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @MISC{Brodnik99resizablearrays,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> author = {Andrej Brodnik and Svante Carlsson and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Erik D. Demaine and J. Ian Munro and Robert Sedgewick},
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> title = {Resizable Arrays in Optimal Time and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Space},
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> year = {1999}
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Martin Buchholz <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> martinrb at google.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your continuing work on this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I like the test results, and agree with your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analysis.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm especially happy that you're beating
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ArrayList at some operations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to see O(1) addition at the beginning,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implement both List and Deque (I regret
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> our not having done this with ArrayDeque).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> An additional property that would be nice to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have (but don't try too hard)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is to provide some kind of real-time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guarantees on the cost of an individual operation,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not just amortized time. E.g. ArrayList.add
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is worst-case O(n), making it unsuitable for use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in some real-time applications.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will help get your changes into the obvious
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> software distributions. I assume you're happy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with having this class included in any of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Doug Lea's jsr166, guava-libraries, or the JDK
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> itself.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You should sign a Sun contributor agreement,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or whatever the Oracle equivalent is,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you have not done so yet.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Doug Lea likes public domain,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guava-libraries likes the Apache license.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We should get various people a chance to give
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a thumbs up on the design of this class -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Doug Lea, Josh Bloch.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 09:32, Kevin L. Stern <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kevin.l.stern at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Hello Martin,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I spent some time this weekend trying to bring out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bugs in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > implementation; I believe the latest version to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in decent shape. I have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > also gathered some data on the performance of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ChunkedArrayList over
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > ArrayList using the latest 1.6 JDK, which I've
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> included below (note that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > numbers represent the time spent performing the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specified operation with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > ChunkedArrayList over the time spent with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ArrayList, so 1.00 indicates
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > equivalent performance, < 1.00 indicates that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ChunkedArrayList is less
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > costly and > 1.00 indicates that ArrayList is less
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> costly). I've noticed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > relatively significant variability in a few of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> numbers when I switch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > hardware; though, these data do seem to represent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rough performance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > expectations. For my test I generated x elements
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and then timed the process
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > of adding them to ArrayList/ChunkedArrayList, then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I performed a get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > operation on each for indices 0 through x-1 and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> finally I used the iterator
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > mechanism to retrieve the first through xth element
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (of course, I performed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > each of these operations multiple times throwing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> away the timing for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > first few iterations to warm up the JVM).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Regarding the question of whether or not this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> belongs in java.util, I would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > suggest that if it is desirable from a GC point of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> view to eliminate the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > large backing array from ArrayList then your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suggestion of achieving this by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > way of a data structure that is both time and space
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> optimal is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > particularly elegant solution as it not only
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guarantees that no backing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > array will be larger than sqrt(n) elements but it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also provides dynamic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > shrinking behavior, has less maximum memory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> overhead than ArrayList, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > copies (asymptotically) fewer elements during a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resize than ArrayList. Of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > course, this data structure does not do everything
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> better than ArrayList; in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > particular, indexed access is more costly, due to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the required decomposition
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > of the index into backing array index and offset
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the additional memory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > indirection, and insertion-at-an-index is more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> costly, due to the multiple
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > array copies necessary to complete the shift. That
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being said, I think that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > the additional cost of indexed access is partially
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mitigated by the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > availability of iterator and listIterator, whose
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementations do not use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > the index decomposition procedure, and the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> additional cost of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > insertion-at-an-index is partially mitigated by the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fact that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > insertion-at-an-index is already an undesirable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> operation on ArrayList due
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > to its linear time complexity.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Kevin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > 1000000 elements:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Client JVM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Add to ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 1.30
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Indexed access ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.80
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Iterator ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 0.52
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Server JVM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Add to ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 0.81
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Indexed access ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.87
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Iterator ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 1.31
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > 100000 elements:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Client JVM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Add to ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 0.96
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Indexed access ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.86
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Iterator ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 0.48
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Server JVM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Add to ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 0.96
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Indexed access ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.89
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Iterator ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 2.68
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > 10000 elements:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Client JVM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Add to ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 1.04
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Indexed access ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.33
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Iterator ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 0.53
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Server JVM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Add to ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 0.97
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Indexed access ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.45
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Iterator ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 2.52
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > 1000 elements:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Client JVM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Add to ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 0.99
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Indexed access ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.27
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Iterator ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 0.54
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Server JVM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Add to ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 0.84
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Indexed access ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.23
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Iterator ChunkedArrayList over ArrayList: 1.11
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Martin Buchholz <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> martinrb at google.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> My feeling on whether to support O(1) at both ends
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> is that any flavor of this that ends up in the JDK
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eventually
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> should really do this. My idea is that we can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> wholeheartedly recommend this collection class
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> for overall good behavior without any of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> surprising
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> performance traps of existing collection classes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> But for the preliminary version, it makes sense to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> support only O(1) at one end, if it simplifies the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> implementation. Random access will of course
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> be worse than ArrayList, but by how much?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> We can do some benchmarking and look for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> micro-optimizations now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Kevin, what is you own personal feeling?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Is the algorithm correct, and efficient enough?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Do you think your new collection belongs in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.util?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> Martin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 04:12, Kevin L. Stern <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kevin.l.stern at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > The data structure is available at the second
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> link that I originally
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > provided (once again, it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0Aabrz3MPBDdhZGdrbnEzejdfM2M3am5wM2Mz&hl=en
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > This does not have O(1) time insertion at the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> front as yet as it was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > unclear
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > to me whether or not it was agreed upon:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > _________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > From: Osvaldo Doederlein <opinali at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > Date: Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 10:08 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > Subject: Re: A List implementation backed by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> multiple small arrays
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > rather
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > than the traditional single large array.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > To: Martin Buchholz <martinrb at google.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > Cc: "Kevin L. Stern" <kevin.l.stern at gmail.com>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > Initially, it would be good enough to replace
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only java.util.ArrayList
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > minimal overhead. ArrayList does not support
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> efficient add-at-front or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > enhancements of ArrayDeque; but ArrayList is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still a much more important
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > popular collection, it's the primary "straight
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> replacement for primitive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > arrrays" and I guess it should continue with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that role.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > _________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > As a disclaimer, I'm still tinkering with this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so I'll be updating the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > document at the provided link as I find
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> improvements.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > Thoughts?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > Kevin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 10:28 PM, Martin Buchholz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <martinrb at google.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> Hi Kevin,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> You're probably the only one on this list who
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> seriously read the paper. It is not surprising
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> taking a research paper into production would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> discover bugs - the research never had to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> undergo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> rigorous testing. (I like the Java culture of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> combining spec + implementation + test suite)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> I suggest you ask the authors directly about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the bug.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> They would probably also be interested to hear
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> about your implementation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> Are you aware of Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://download.java.net/jdk7/docs/api/java/lang/Integer.html#numberOfLeadingZeros(int)<http://download.java.net/jdk7/docs/api/java/lang/Integer.html#numberOfLeadingZeros%28int%29>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> Martin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 19:34, Kevin L. Stern <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kevin.l.stern at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > I'm almost convinced now that the paper is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> incorrect. The code below
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > gives
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > me the appropriate index into the index array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the offset into the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > block. That being said, remember when I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mentioned that this will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > include a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > bit more work to access an element than a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simple bit shift and a bit
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > mask?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > Well this is more than a bit more - we'll be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing this each time an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > index
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > is requested. I'll spend some time trying to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twiddle the bits to see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > can eliminate/combine some of the operations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > for (int r = 1; r < 33; r++) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > int k = lg(r);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > int floorKO2 = k >> 1;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > int powFloorKO2 = (1 <<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> floorKO2);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > int p = ((1 << floorKO2) - 1) <<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > int ceilKO2;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > if ((k & 1) == 1) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > ceilKO2 = floorKO2 + 1;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > p += powFloorKO2;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > } else {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > ceilKO2 = floorKO2;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > int e = r & ((1 << ceilKO2) - 1);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > int b = (r >> ceilKO2) &
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (powFloorKO2 - 1);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > System.out.println((r - 1) + " "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> + (p + b) + " " + e);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > Kevin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 7:08 PM, Kevin L.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stern
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > <kevin.l.stern at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> I realize that 2 * (2^(k/2) - 1) only works
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for even numbered
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> superblocks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> the odd numbered superblocks need an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> additional term added (the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> number
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> data blocks in SB_[k-1]) to jive with my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interpretation; anyhow, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> came
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> across an alternative characterization of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> superblock in the paper
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> states that data blocks are grouped within a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> superblock when they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> same size - to me, though, that implies that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my example structure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> below
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> would be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> SB_0: [1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> SB_1: [2][2][2]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> SB_2: [4][4][4][4][4][4]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> which seems to contradict my understanding
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of (1) below. I must be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> reading this upside down.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Kevin L.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stern
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> <kevin.l.stern at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> What am I missing here? In "Resizable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arrays in optimal time and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> space"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> the authors define their data structure
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the following
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> property:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> (1) "When superblock SB_k is fully
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allocated, it consists of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> 2^(floor(k/2)) data blocks, each of size
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2^(ceil(k/2))."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> Since the superblock is zero-based indexed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this implies the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> following
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> structure:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> SB_0: [1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> SB_1: [2]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> SB_2: [2][2]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> SB_3: [4][4]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> SB_4: [4][4][4][4]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> [...]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> Let's have a look at Algorithm 3,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Locate(i), with i = 3:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> r = 100 (the binary expansion of i + 1)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> k = |r| - 1 = 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> p = 2^k - 1 = 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> What concerns me is their statement that p
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> represents "the number
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> blocks in superblocks prior to SB_k."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are only two data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> blocks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> superblocks prior to SB_2, not three.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Given (1) above, unless I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> misinterpreting it, the number of data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blocks in superblocks prior
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> SB_k
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> should be:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> 2 * Sum[i=0->k/2-1] 2^i = 2 * (2^(k/2) - 1)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> This, of course, seems to work out much
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> better in my example above,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> giving the correct answer to my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interpretation of their data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> structure, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> I have a hard time believing that this is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their mistake rather than
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> misinterpretation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> Thoughts?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> Kevin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 5:20 PM, Martin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Buchholz
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> <martinrb at google.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 04:25, Kevin L.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stern
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> <kevin.l.stern at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > Hi Martin,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > Thanks much for your feedback. The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first approach that comes to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > mind
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > implement O(1) time front as well as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rear insertion is to create
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > cyclic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > list structure with a front/rear pointer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - to insert at the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > front
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > requires
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > decrementing the front pointer (modulo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the size) and to insert
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > rear
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > requires incrementing the rear pointer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (modulo the size). We
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > need
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > resize
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > when the two pointers bump into each
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other. Could you explain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > your suggestion of introducing an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arraylet that is shared by the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > front
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > the rear?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> It was a half-baked idea - I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there's a way to turn
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> something useful. I was thinking of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ArrayDeque
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> implementation,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> where all the elements live in a single
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> array.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > It's not clear to me how that would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help and/or be a better
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > approach than the cyclic list. Anyhow,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the paper that you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > reference,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > "Resizable arrays in optimal time and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> space", gives a deque so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > take
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> > that approach then the deque is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specified.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> Technically, ArrayList also supports the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deque operations -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>> just not efficiently.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
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