Please review java.util.jar.pack.* exceptions

David Holmes David.Holmes at
Wed Nov 3 01:28:44 UTC 2010

On 3/11/2010 8:04 AM, Mike Duigou wrote:
> - In PackerImpl if the exception thrown is an IOException it is not
> re-thrown. By not initializing inFiles this code path would have been
> seen as "inFiles not initialized" at the inFiles.size() expression.

Also a minor nit in UnpackerImpl:

   91      * @param in an InputStream.
   92      * @param out a JarOutputStream.
   93      * @exception IOException if an error is encountered.
   94      */
   95     public void unpack(InputStream in0, JarOutputStream out) throws
IOException {

the "@param in" should be "@param in0". Further for both modified methods
the NullPointerException should have an accompanying @throws doc comment.


> Mike
> On Nov 2 2010, at 14:10 , Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> These are simple changes to the java.util.jar.pack: * fixes JCK
>> failures, specifically throwing unexpected exceptions * minor fixes to
>> the ClassFormatException * added a new test to catch the JCK type
>> failures up-front, which is bulk of the code changes.
>> Thanks Kumar

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