Please review java.util.jar.pack.* exceptions

Kumar Srinivasan kumar.x.srinivasan at oracle.COM
Thu Nov 4 13:03:04 UTC 2010

On 11/4/2010 3:53 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
>> Thanks for all the reviews and suggestions!
>> the new version is at:
>> In this revision:
>> 1. the input parameter is renamed to "in",
>>     btw. we call out throwing of  NPEs at the package level 
>> documentation
>>     I copied the same verbiage to the interfaces sections as well.
>> 2. moved the exception check into scanJar,  per Alan's suggestion 
>> where it is
>>     isolated to catch IllegalStateException and wraps it up into an IOE.
>> Thanks
>> Kumar
> This looks much better. It may be slightly better to limit the 
> handling of the IllegalStateException to just the call to the 
> JarFile's entries method but I can't see anything else that might 
> throw it so what you have is fine with me.
> On the test, I notice you compile with -XDignore.symbol.file but I 
> don't think that is needed. Also, it might be better 
No  the -XD is needed the is dependent on sun.* apis,
which will not be accessible when compiling and testing with a built
SDK, which is required for Pack200 testing.

> to eliminate the reference to a JCK test.

ok will yank it out, and will also use the getLocalizedMessage to get
the exception message per Mike's suggestion.

Do you guys need to see another webrev revision ?

> -Alan.

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