java.util.Objects.equals() fails to compile with static import

Rémi Forax forax at
Sun Nov 7 10:35:32 UTC 2010

Le 07/11/2010 07:03, Arul Dhesiaseelan a écrit :
> Hello,
> Sorry, if I am posting to the wrong mailing list. It looks the 
> java.util.Objects proposal was originally discussed in this forum. I 
> have a related question about the implementation. I was playing with 
> the java.util.Objects API in the recent JDK 7 build (b117) and it 
> looks like the equals() method fails to compile if I statically import 
> it, with the following error:
> method equals in class Object cannot be applied to given types;
> It clashes with java.lang.Object's equals() method. I am not sure if 
> this a known limitation or a bug.
> -Arul

It's a known limitation of the static import feature.


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