Code Review 6993789: LinkedBlockingDeque iterator/descendingIterator loops and owns lock forever

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Tue Nov 9 09:11:42 UTC 2010

Rémi Forax wrote:
> Le 08/11/2010 15:03, Chris Hegarty a écrit :
>> Doug, David,
>> This webrev contains the fix for CR 6993789: "LinkedBlockingDeque 
>> iterator/descendingIterator loops and owns lock forever", and also 
>> contains some other minor changes that we inherit for free when 
>> syncing to the latest LBQ in Dougs CVS, "optimize toString methods", 
>> and "Move more allocations outside of locks to reduce footprint".
>> Webrev:
>> Thanks,
>> -Chris.
> Is there a reason to not inline succ() ?

I don't believe there is any specific reason why succ() is not simply in 
line, but (for me at least) it is more readable in it's own method.


> Rémi

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