Please review -XshowSettings a java launcher option.
Kumar Srinivasan
kumar.x.srinivasan at
Fri Nov 12 02:20:32 UTC 2010
Hi David,
Good idea, but I did not use that method because of all the String
concatenation PrintStream.print has to perform, if so then we can
simply use a String.
So my thinking was to use the StringBuilder to assemble the String and
print it out in one shot.
ostream(INDENT + INDENT);
or instead:
that would mean more io calls.
I have a time pressure to get this in, I can fix/address this later as a bug
if need be.
Thanks for your review.
> Kumar,
> Do you need all of the StringBuilder/StringBuffer to buffer the output
> prior to writing to the PrintStream? Using the PrintStream directly
> would also allow it to handle the newlines. I was envisaging something
> like this:
> private static void printVmSettings(PrintStream ostream, long maxHeapSize,
> long stackSize, boolean isServer) {
> String maxHeapSizeString = scaleValue((maxHeapSize == 0)
> ? Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()
> : maxHeapSize);
> String stackSizeString = (stackSize == 0)
> ? "OS default"
> : scaleValue(stackSize);
> ostream.println();
> ostream.println(VM_SETTINGS);
> ostream.print(INDENT + "Stack Size (-Xss): ");
> ostream.println(stackSizeString);
> ostream.print(INDENT + "Max. Heap Size (-Xmx): ");
> ostream.println(maxHeapSizeString);
> ostream.print(INDENT + "Ergonomics Class (server or client): ");
> ostream.println((isServer) ? "server" : "client");
> ostream.print(INDENT + "Using VM: ");
> ostream.println(System.getProperty(""));
> }
> private static boolean isPath(String key) {
> return key.endsWith(".dirs") || key.endsWith(".path");
> }
> private static void prettyPrintValue(PrintStream ostream, String key,
> String value) {
> ostream.print(INDENT);
> ostream.print(key);
> ostream.print(" = ");
> if (!isPath(key)) {
> ostream.println(value);
> return;
> }
> // pretty print the path values as a list
> String pathsep = System.getProperty("path.separator");
> String[] values = value.split(pathsep);
> int len = values.length;
> int lastline = len - 1;
> for (int i = 0 ; i< len ; i++) {
> if (i == 0) { // first line treated specially
> ostream.print(values[i]);
> ostream.println(pathsep);
> } else { // following lines prefix with indents
> ostream.print(INDENT + INDENT);
> ostream.print(values[i]);
> if (i != lastline) { // if not the last line suffix the pathsep
> ostream.print(pathsep);
> }
> ostream.println();
> }
> }
> }
> private static void printProperties(PrintStream ostream) {
> Properties p = System.getProperties();
> List<String> sortedPropertyKeys = new ArrayList<>();
> sortedPropertyKeys.addAll(p.stringPropertyNames());
> Collections.sort(sortedPropertyKeys);
> ostream.println();
> ostream.println(PROP_SETTINGS);
> for (String x : sortedPropertyKeys) {
> prettyPrintValue(ostream, x, p.getProperty(x));
> }
> }
> private static void prettyPrintLocales(PrintStream ostream) {
> ostream.println();
> ostream.print(INDENT + "available locales = ");
> Locale[] locales = Locale.getAvailableLocales();
> int len = locales.length;
> int lastline = len - 1 ;
> for (int i = 0 ; i< len ; i++) {
> ostream.print(locales[i]);
> if (i != lastline) {
> ostream.print(",");
> }
> // print columns of 8
> if ((i + 1) % 8 == 0) {
> ostream.println();
> ostream.print(INDENT + INDENT);
> } else {
> ostream.print(" ");
> }
> }
> }
> private static void printLocale(PrintStream ostream) {
> Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
> ostream.println();
> ostream.println(LOCALE_SETTINGS);
> ostream.print(INDENT+"default locale: ");
> ostream.print(locale.getDisplayLanguage());
> prettyPrintLocales(ostream);
> ostream.println();
> }
> - Dave
> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Kumar Srinivasan
> <kumar.x.srinivasan at> wrote:
>> Hi Mandy,
>>> java.c
>>> line 1031: this doesn't catch invalid option if it has the -XshowSettings prefix e.g. -XshowSettingsJunk.
>> Will fix it.
>>> line 1032: Perhaps you could store the suboption ("all", "vm", etc) rather than the entire option string.
>> I want to keep all the parsing logic as much as possible in java.
>>> line 1507-1511: should these lines align with the argument "env" to CallStaticVoidMethod method in line 1506?
>> Fixed.
>>> line 106-109: if optionFlag is just the suboption to -XshowSettings, these lines can be removed.
>>> line 150-152: Runtime.maxMemory() is not equivalent to -Xmx value. Perhaps -XshowSettings always prints Runtime.maxMemory() and print -Xmx if set in the command line?
>> That is exactly what is happening ie. if the launcher has been given the -Xmx flag
>> then that is displayed, if not LauncherHelper will use some means to display any
>> value it can get from Java libraries so for now we use Runtime.maxMemory().
>>> line 176, 188, 190-191, 195, and other lines in printPrintLocales and printLocale methods:
>>> - the assignment to the buf and out variable to itself (returned from StringBuffer.append() method) is not necessary.
>> Yes fixed, I missed these.
>>> line 174: would it be better to pass the StringBuilder to the printPrintValue method so that it can avoid creating a new StringBuilder instance for each property?
>> We have to create the StringBuilder somewhere it is either in the prettyPrintValue or the calling
>> method, I will convert it to StringBuilder and pass it into prettyPrintValue.
>>> line 213-214: same comment as the above. And should it use StringBuilder instead?
>> Yes.
>> Thanks for the review.!
>> Kumar
>>> Mandy
>>>> This will print all the known settings/properties/locales
>>>> supported and known to Java, this has been a long standing request.
>>>> A sample output attached below.
>>>> Note: the -X option specifically is being used so we can evolve this option
>>>> and add more useful information, in future versions of java.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Kumar
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