Please review -XshowSettings a java launcher option.

Xueming Shen xueming.shen at
Fri Nov 12 05:11:58 UTC 2010

On 11/11/2010 16:42, Kumar Srinivasan wrote:
>> line 176, 188, 190-191, 195, and other lines in printPrintLocales and 
>> printLocale methods:
>> - the assignment to the buf and out variable to itself (returned from 
>> StringBuffer.append() method) is not necessary.
> Yes fixed, I missed these.

The "intention" of returning the StringBuffer itself for those append() 
methods is that
you can then write the code like

private static void printLocale(PrintStream ostream) {
    ostream.println(new StringBuilder("\n" + LOCALE_SETTINGS + "\n")
                       .append("default locale: ")

One more nit is that you might want to do something special for

   line.separator =

to make it "readable"


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