Changes planned to Throwable, 6991528 & 6998871
Paul Benedict
pbenedict at
Fri Nov 12 15:08:07 UTC 2010
The class documentation currently has a nice chronological history of
Throwable's features:
* "Prior to release 1.4, there were many throwables that had their own
non-standard exception chaining mechanisms..."
* "Further, as of release 1.4, many general purpose...."
* "Also introduced in release 1.4 is the getStackTrace() method..."
It's odd, however, that the suppressed exceptions feature is held off
until the printStackTrace() method:
"As of release 7, the platform supports the notion of suppressed exceptions..."
For consistency, I recommend moving some of that documentation to the
class level to continue the big picture.
On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 3:00 AM, Joe Darcy <joe.darcy at> wrote:
> Hello.
> Mandy and David Holmes have already reviewed this change; however, I'm
> sending it out to the list in case anyone else is interested in having a
> look before the fix is pushed in the next day or two.
> For background, as identified on the coin-dev list, for example [1], it is
> problematic that all Throwable objects are mutable post-creation by calling
> addSuppressedExceptions since it is helpful that the VM be able to reuse
> immutable Throwable objects to provide better handling of conditions like
> OutOfMemoryError. To support this, the API of Throwable is modified to
> support making the corresponding field of Throwable immutable.
> Additionally, the method names related to suppressed exceptions will be
> shortened [2].
> There is an analogous, and pre-existing issue with the stackTrace field.
> Due to technical complications encountered during this fix, making
> stackTrace immutable will be addressed in the follow-on bug 6998871.
> The webrev of the current round of changes is at:
> This involves several specification changes: to the serial specification of
> Throwable:
> // Sentinel value protocol added.
> /**
> * The list of suppressed exceptions, as returned by {@link
> * #getSuppressed()}. The list is initialized to a zero-element
> * unmodifiable sentinel list. When a serialized Throwable is
> * read in, if the {@code suppressedExceptions} field points to a
> * zero-element list, the field is reset to the sentinel value.
> *
> * @serial
> * @since 1.7
> */
> private List<Throwable> suppressedExceptions
> // New explicit specification of readObject
> /**
> * Read a {@code Throwable} from a stream, enforcing
> * well-formedness constraints on fields. Null entries and
> * self-pointers are not allowed in the list of {@code
> * suppressedExceptions}. Null entries are not allowed for stack
> * trace elements.
> *
> * Note that there are no constraints on the value the {@code
> * cause} field can hold; both {@code null} and this are valid
> * values for the field.
> */
> private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
> In other parts of the specification, rename "addSuppressedException" to
> "addSuppressed", make the method final, and add the following paragraph and
> update @throws clause:
> * If the first exception to be suppressed is {@code null}, that
> * indicates suppressed exception information will <em>not</em> be
> * recorded for this exception. Subsequent calls to this method
> * will not record any suppressed exceptions. Otherwise,
> * attempting to suppress {@code null} after an exception has
> * already been successfully suppressed results in a {@code
> * NullPointerException}.
> *
> ...
> * @throws NullPointerException if {@code exception} is null and
> * an exception has already been suppressed by this exception
> Rename "getSuppressedExceptions" to "getSuppressed," make the method final,
> and add the following clarification:
> * If no exceptions were suppressed, an empty array is returned.
> Cheers,
> -Joe
> [1]
> [2]
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