Code review request for 6998871 "Support making the Throwable.stackTrace field immutable"

Dmytro Sheyko dmytro_sheyko at
Thu Apr 7 07:50:24 UTC 2011

Just wonder what is the purpose of dummy parameter in native fillInStackTrace method. Couldn't we simply rename it (e.g. to fillInStackTrace0)

> Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 23:29:02 -0700
> From: joe.darcy at
> To: core-libs-dev at
> Subject: Code review request for 6998871 "Support making the	Throwable.stackTrace field immutable"
> Hello.
> Returning to some earlier work, I've developed a proposed fix for
>     6998871 "Support making the Throwable.stackTrace field immutable"
> One constructor of Throwable now takes an additional boolean argument to 
> make the stack trace information immutable.  Analogous constructors are 
> added to Exception, RuntimeException, and Error.
> Mandy and David have already reviewed the change; I'm interested in 
> getting additional feedback on the design of the API.
> Cheers,
> -Joe

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