Unreachable catch classes

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Wed Apr 27 09:54:39 UTC 2011

Am 27.04.2011 10:40, schrieb David Holmes:
> Maurizio Cimadamore said the following on 04/27/11 18:35:
>> On 27/04/11 09:18, David Holmes wrote:
>>> What I suggested on coin-dev ( which has finally turned up now that someone has unblocked the
>>> openjdk mail pipes ;-) ) is that instead of doing an analysis of the expected thrown types, to
>>> simply warn for the more common mistake of catching a superclass before a subclass.
>> So, you are saying that the JDK 7 compiler should stop generating additional warnings, and start
>> behaving as usual (we always had errors when catching supertype after subtype, and such).
> In that case I guess that is what I am suggesting.
> Is there a @SuppressWarnings setting for these warnings?

+1 (for adding a special warning suppression to note people about special intention, e.g. catch from 
native call)


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