7015589: (spec) BufferedWriter.close leaves stream open if close of underlying Writer fails

Jing LV lvjing at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Aug 17 16:41:31 UTC 2011

Hi Alan,

Sorry for late reply, I somehow miss this mail. The patch seems perfect. 
Just a curious question about the fix in BufferedWriter:

-            try {
+            try (Writer w = out) {
              } finally {
-                out.close();
                  out = null;
                  cb = null;

    I see this is a java7 new feature (try-catch-resource), but it use a new variable.
    I am not very familiar with the new feature yet, so is this better than put out.close() in finally block?
    And if we'd like to fix java6 as well, we may use finally? Not sure if the complied binary would be the same?

于 2011-8-9 19:43, Alan Bateman 写道:
> A few months back there was a bug report [1] pointing out that it's 
> possible to continue writing to a BufferedWriter after invoking its 
> close method and the close fails. A similar issue arises with 
> BufferedOutputStream and other classes. At issue is whether a stream 
> (or more generally a resource) is considered closed in the event that 
> the close method fails. This isn't something that Closeable is clear 
> on. Joe tells me that this didn't come up in the Coin discussions on 
> try-with-resources either.
> I think it's safe to say that it would be desirable that close 
> releases the resources for failing cases as otherwise the resources 
> may never be released (esp. with try-with-resources usages). 
> Furthermore, when there are multiple resources involved, or cases like 
> the bug report where one stream wraps another, then it would be 
> desirable to keep the state of the resources in sync. To that end, the 
> changes here propose adding an advisory note to AutoCloseable to 
> advise implementers to release the underlying resources and to mark 
> the resource as closed prior to throwing the exception.
> For the specific buffering classes discussed at the time, these are 
> changed to follow this advise (but their javadoc isn't changed as 
> there may be other implementations or these classes extended in many 
> ways). In the case of BufferedWriter it is also fixed so that any 
> exception from flushing the underlying writer isn't supplanted by the 
> exception from close. In the case of FilterOutputStream 
> (BufferedOutputStream extends it) then it is fixed so that it doesn't 
> ignore the exception thrown when flushing the underlying stream. This 
> is clearly the right thing to do but it does mean that close can now 
> throw an IOException for a case where it didn't before. For now I 
> don't propose to include a compatibility switch but this may be 
> something that has to revisited later. There are other classes in 
> java.io that could also be cleaned up but I don't propose to do a 
> complete audit at this time.
> The webrev with the changes is here:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alanb/7015589/webrev/
> Thanks,
> Alan.
> [1] 
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2011-January/005732.html

Best Regards,
Jimmy, Jing LV

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