Request for review 6237353: Remove package from j2se binary

Xueming Shen xueming.shen at
Wed Aug 17 18:41:52 UTC 2011

Thanks Sasha,

The flag has been set to true, as suggested.

The webrev has been updated according. 


On 08/17/2011 05:54 AM, Alexandre Boulgakov wrote:
> Hello Sherman,
> Can you check if any deprecation warnings are generated from the other 
> classes built by java/sun_nio/Makefile? Suppressing deprecation 
> warnings might no longer be necessary now that is gone, and 
> then you can change lines 34-35 in the makefile to "JAVAC_MAX_WARNINGS 
> = true".
> Cheers,
> Sasha
> On 8/17/2011 2:07 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>> Xueming Shen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is something long over due. Some background info.
>>> (1)The java.nio.charset package (to replace the private 
>>> package) is added into
>>>      JDK 1.4 as the result of the nio JSR. Part of the 
>>> converters were migrated to
>>>      the java.nio.charset  implementation in JDK8.
>>> (2) All supported charsets/converters were migrated to 
>>> java.nio.charset in JDK5. As the
>>>      result no more bug fix/rfe maintenance work for since then.
>>> (3) Removed all dependencies (internal usage inside 
>>> JDK) from the JDK
>>>      repository at the beginning of JDK6.
>>> (4) The package was removed from the JDK runtime at JDK6 b29.
>>> But we then had one important licensee strongly asked to undo the 
>>> removal. The
>>> was putback in JDK6 6u59/beta.
>>> Now let's try this again in JDK8, the licensee that was against it 
>>> in JDK6 last time has been
>>> communicated and is OK with the plan this time. And the JDBC EG 
>>> group (which heavily
>>> used package in the past)  is/will be noticed as well. We 
>>> assume after 3 major releases
>>> the risk of breaking someone's application (as the result of this 
>>> change) is limited.
>>> Here is the webrev. Since we have tried it already (the workspace 
>>> had been cleaned up
>>> already) in jdk6 again already, the change this time is relatively 
>>> simple, mainly only 2 makefile
>>> changes. The rest is the "deleting" and several minor changes in 
>>> testing.
>> Thanks for doing this, and thanks Lance for checking with all the 
>> JDBC folks in your phone book.
>> The changes looks good to me. Push it quick and run :-)
>> -Alan

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