Review request for bug #5063455

David Holmes david.holmes at
Mon Dec 5 02:36:41 UTC 2011

Hi Brandon,

On 3/12/2011 9:59 AM, Brandon Passanisi wrote:
> Hello core-libs-dev. I was wondering if somebody could review the
> following proposed fix and test case for bug #5063455. Here's the info:
> Bug URL:
> Webrev:

While I occasionally enjoy puzzles, when I'm pressed for time it is nice 
to have a summary of the bug and the fix ;-) In this case I presume the 
"new StringBuilder('%') actually invokes the StringBuilder(int) 
constructor to set the initial capacity to the value of '%' instead of 
creating a StringBuffer with % as the first character.

Seems like a good candidate for JB's next edition of Java Puzzlers :)

Fix looks good to me.


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