A behavior mismatch in AbstractCollection.toArray(T[] )

Sean Chou zhouyx at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Tue Dec 13 11:18:20 UTC 2011

Hi ,

    Is it possible to change the spec ? I found it is defined in
interface. It would be easy for AbstractCollection to state that it is not
for concurrent operations, and its subclass should take care of them.

    However, I think the simplest way may be modifying toArray(T[]) method
an additional check, which would work for most subclasses of
Is that ok ?

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 3:41 PM, David Holmes <david.holmes at oracle.com>wrote:

> Hi Sean,
> On 13/12/2011 5:21 PM, Sean Chou wrote:
>> When I was reading the code of AbstractCollection.toArray(T[] ), I
>> found its behavior maybe different from the spec in multithread
>> environment. The spec says "If the collection fits in the specified
>> array, it is returned therein. Otherwise, a new array is allocated
>> with the runtime type of the specified array and the size of this
>> collection."  However, in multithread environment, it is not easy to
>> tell if the collection fits in the specified array, because the
>> items may be removed when toArray is copying.
> Right. The problem is that AbstractCollection doesn't address
> thread-safety or any other concurrency issues so doesn't account for the
> collection growing or shrinking while the toArray snapshot is being taken.
> Really the collection implementations that are designed to support multiple
> threads should override toArray to make it clear how it should behave. As
> it stands, in my opinion, it is more a "quality of implementation" issue as
> to whether AbstractCollection expends effort after creating the array to
> see if the array is actually full or not; or whether after creating an
> array it turns out it could have fit in the original.
> For a concurrent collection  I would write the spec for toArray something
> like:
> "The current size of the collection is examined and if the collection fits
> in the specified array it will be the target array, else a new array is
> allocated based on that current size and it becomes the target array. If
> the collection grows such that the target array no longer fits then extra
> elements will not be copied into the target array. If the collection
> shrinks then the target array will contain null elements."
> Or for the last part "then the target array will be copied to a new array
> that exactly fits the number of elements returned".
> David Holmes
> ------------
>>     Here is a testcase:
>> //////////////////////////////**//////////////////////////////**
>> //////////////
>> import java.util.Map;
>> import java.util.concurrent.**ConcurrentHashMap;
>> public class CollectionToArrayTest {
>>     static volatile Map<String, String>  map = new
>> TConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
>>     static volatile boolean gosleep = true;
>>     static class TConcurrentHashMap<K, V>  extends ConcurrentHashMap<K,
>> V>  {
>>         public int size() {
>>             int oldresult = super.size();
>>             System.out.println("map size before concurrent remove is "
>>                     + oldresult);
>>             while (gosleep) {
>>                 try {
>>                     // Make sure the map is modified during toArray is
>> called,
>>                     // between getsize and being iterated.
>>                     Thread.sleep(1000);
>>                     // System.out.println("size called, size is " +
>> oldresult +
>>                     // " take a sleep to make sure the element is deleted
>> before size is returned.");
>>                 } catch (Exception e) {
>>                 }
>>             }
>>             return oldresult;
>>         }
>>     }
>>     static class ToArrayThread implements Runnable {
>>         public void run() {
>>             for (int i = 0; i<  5; i++) {
>>                 String str = Integer.toString(i);
>>                 map.put(str, str);
>>             }
>>             String[] buffer = new String[4];
>>             String[] strings = map.values().toArray(buffer);
>>             // System.out.println("length is " + strings.length);
>>             if (strings.length<= buffer.length) {
>>                 System.out.println("given array size is "
>>                                 + buffer.length
>>                                 + " \nreturned array size is "
>>                                 + strings.length
>>                                 + ", \nbuffer should be used according to
>> spec. Is buffer used : "
>>                                 + (strings == buffer));
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
>>     static class RemoveThread implements Runnable {
>>         public void run() {
>>             String str = Integer.toString(0);
>>             map.remove(str);
>>             gosleep = false;
>>         }
>>     }
>>     public static void main(String args[]) {
>>         CollectionToArrayTest app = new CollectionToArrayTest();
>>         app.test_concurrentRemove();
>>     }
>>     public void test_concurrentRemove() {
>> System.out.println("//////////**//////////////////////////////**//////\n"
>> +
>>                 "The spec says if the given array is large\n "  +
>>                         "enough to hold all elements, the given array\n" +
>>                         "should be returned by toArray. This \n" +
>>                         "testcase checks this case. \n" +
>>                         "/////////////////////////////**
>> /////////////////");
>>         Thread[] threads = new Thread[2];
>>         threads[0] = new Thread(new ToArrayThread());
>>         threads[1] = new Thread(new RemoveThread());
>>         threads[0].start();
>>         try {
>>             // Take a sleep to make sure toArray is already called.
>>             Thread.sleep(1200);
>>         } catch (Exception e) {
>>         }
>>         threads[1].start();
>>     }
>> }
>> //////////////////////////////**//////////////////////////////**
>> //////////////
>> TConcurrentHashMap is used to make sure the collection is modified
>> during toArray is invoked. So the returned array fits in the specified
>> array, but a new array is used because toArray checks the size
>> before copying.
>> Is this a bug ?

Best Regards,
Sean Chou

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