
Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Fri Jan 14 12:56:21 UTC 2011

Am 14.01.2011 10:17, schrieb Alan Bateman:
> Along the lines of Rémi's first suggestion, then another possible candidate is failIfNull(x).

Yes, this sounds better to me than throwIfNull(x).

The purpose of this method, if I understand right, is to pull out from behind the potential failing 
to a well defined place in the stacktrace, so more specific it could be named failHereIfNull(x), but 
I more like the short form.
In 2nd place I like checkForNull(x).

The nonNull(x) is ambiguous, and could be misunderstood as transform-to-a-non-null-value.


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