hg: jdk7/tl/jdk: 7006576: (zipfs) Path.exists() always returns false on dirs when zip/JAR file built without dirs; ...

xueming.shen at oracle.com xueming.shen at oracle.com
Mon Jan 24 19:51:58 UTC 2011

Changeset: 4cc447291326
Author:    sherman
Date:      2011-01-24 11:47 -0800
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/tl/jdk/rev/4cc447291326

7006576: (zipfs) Path.exists() always returns false on dirs when zip/JAR file built without dirs
7009092: (zipfs) ZipPath.isSameFile() should always return true if this Path and the given Path are equal.
7009085: (zipfs) ZipPath.normalize("/./.") returns null.
7009102: (zipfs) ZipPath.toRealPath() should always return absolute path.
Summary: zip filesystem provider update
Reviewed-by: alanb

! src/share/demo/nio/zipfs/src/com/sun/nio/zipfs/ZipFileSystem.java
! src/share/demo/nio/zipfs/src/com/sun/nio/zipfs/ZipPath.java
! test/demo/zipfs/PathOps.java
! test/demo/zipfs/ZipFSTester.java
! test/demo/zipfs/basic.sh

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