Crash in ntdll.dll due to JdbcOdbcConnection

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Mar 1 11:06:23 UTC 2011

Jing LV wrote:
> Hello,
> I've found a bug, and find it already raised as Oracle Bug 7002634:
> Crash in ntdll.dll RtlEnterCriticalSection due to race condition in
> JdbcOdbcConnection.
> However it's been deferred. I believe I can provide a fix for this,
> would someone help me? Thanks!
Lance is the best person to comment on this but I don't think the 
JDBC-ODBC bridge has been maintained for a few years and probably isn't 
up to the latest JDBC version. No problem proposing a patch but I just 
wonder if it is actually used these days.


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