review request for 7022624, convert test to use try-with-resources

Rémi Forax forax at
Wed Mar 2 00:55:34 UTC 2011

On 03/01/2011 11:26 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
> On 3/1/11 7:28 AM, Rémi Forax wrote:
>>   Le 01/03/2011 10:46, Alan Bateman a écrit :
>>> Stuart Marks wrote:
>>>> Here's a small webrev with changes to a handful of tests to 
>>>> use TWR.
>>>> * test/java/io/OutputStreamWriter/
>>>> Pretty clearly a ServerSocket is a distinct resource from a Socket 
>>>> returned
>>>> from the accept() call. However, does Socket.getInputStream() 
>>>> represent a
>>>> distinct resource from the Socket? In this case it seemed most 
>>>> sensible to
>>>> unroll them into separate resource variables, but again I could go 
>>>> either
>>>> way on this.
>>> I wouldn't bother but would instead reduce this down to three 
>>> resources, maybe:
>>> try (ServerSocket listener = ss;
>>>      Socket s = listener.accept();
>>>      BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new
>>> InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()))
>>> {
>>>    ...
>>> }
>>> While you are there, I assume ss should be final.
>> Local variables declared in a try-with resources are implicitly final.
> Alan means the field ss, which is a mutable field written by one 
> thread and read by another. I don't think the code as it stands is 
> incorrect, but you have to do a fair bit of reading before you can 
> figure out what it's trying to do and to verify that it's doing it 
> correctly. Making ss final would help, as the field doesn't really 
> need to be mutable. Moving the declaration of ss before the 
> constructor would help too. As it stands it looks like the run() 
> method reads an uninitialized ss.
> s'marks

Ok, got it.


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