Problem running webrev on linux

Rama Pulavarthi rama.pulavarthi at
Wed Mar 2 23:03:47 UTC 2011

I am having problems running webrev on Ubuntu 10.04.It is stuck while
generating the framed_sdiff. The function relative_dir seems to get
wrong input as d1, d2 does not have a common root as logged below and
even the check in the function to find it fails and is stuck in loop. I
updated gawk from 3.1.6 to 3.1.8 and still see the same problem. Do
others face this problem?

Input to function framed_sdiff
**************  debug
**************  debug TPATH=src/share/lib/security
**************  debug lhsfile=/tmp/28650.file1.html
**************  debug rhsfile=/tmp/28650.file2.html
**************  debug comment=
**************  debug

Input to function relative_dir
**************  debug d1= src/share/lib/security
**************  debug d2=/home2/ramkris/w/jdk/jdk7/7020513-new/tl/jdk/webrev

**************  debug 1 src/share/lib/security
**************  debug 2 src/share/lib/security
**************  debug 2 src/share/lib/security ..
**************  debug 3
**************  debug 2 src/share/lib/security ../..
**************  debug 3
**************  debug 2 src/share/lib/security ../../..
**************  debug 3
**************  debug 2 src/share/lib/security ../../../..
**************  debug 3
**************  debug 2 src/share/lib/security ../../../../..
**************  debug 3
**************  debug 2 src/share/lib/security ../../../../../..
**************  debug 3
**************  debug 2 src/share/lib/security ../../../../../../..
**************  debug 3
**************  debug 2 src/share/lib/security ../../../../../../../..
**************  debug 3
**************  debug 2 src/share/lib/security ../../../../../../../../..
**************  debug 3

Rama Pulavarthi

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