Questions about XJC tool.

David Holmes David.Holmes at
Mon Mar 7 06:38:48 UTC 2011

Sean Chou said the following on 03/07/11 15:03:
>    Just two questions about xjc.
>    About this bug "XJC fails to generate a class for a type with >1
> wildcard"(,
> is there a plan to fix it?

This is strange, bug parade shows the bug in the dispatched state, but 
our internal system shows it is as "fixed delivered" in 2.1.13. It was 
evaluated in April last year.


>    And I find the xjc tool is under the directory "jaxws/.hg/store/data/src/
> share/classes/com/sun/tools/internal/" in my working copy(using
> hg fclone Is there any other place
> I can find its source?
>    Thanks.

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