Diamond operator no longer working... ?

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Fri Mar 18 22:39:59 UTC 2011

On 03/18/2011 06:01 PM, assembling signals wrote:
> Hello, community!

Hello Ivan,

> I noticed a new error since b134: "Cannot use '<>' with anonymous inner classes".
> The code uses diamond syntax and was error-free before b134.
> (Please see reproducible example at the end.)
> Can someone explain: is this error even intended?

see http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7020044

> If so, why this is necessary?

Quote from JSR334 (coin) EDR:
Using diamond with anonymous inner classes is /not/ supported since 
doing so would require extensions to the class file signature attribute, 
a de facto JVM change.

> If not, is it possible to revert to old behavior?


> (BTW: Latest Netbeans even allow to refactor anon-inner-classes to use diamond syntax.)
> Best regards,
> Ivan G Shevchenko


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