Review Request for 7024172 "Move platform MXBeans to"

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Mon Mar 28 19:01:05 UTC 2011

  On 03/27/11 14:29, Alan Bateman wrote:
> Mandy Chung wrote:
>> 7024172: Move BufferPoolMXBean and PlatformLoggingMXBean to 
>> Webrev at:
>> javadoc at:
> I've reviewed the changes, I'm sure Éamonn will too. Mostly look okay 
> to me, with a couple of small comments.
> In Managamenet.getPlatformMXBean (L647 and L723) it relies on 
> PlatformComponent.getSingletonMXBean throwing IAE. It might be more 
> obvious to use isSingleton instead and to throw the IAE if not.

I cleaned that up.

> ManagementFactoryHelper L148 - is this LoggingMXBean interface needed 
> (just wondering if PlatformLoggingImpl could just instead implement 
> PlatformLoggingMXBean and j.u.logging.LoggingMXBean).

This LoggingMXBean is needed to create a compliant MXBean; otherwise, if 
PlatformLoggingImpl implements PlatformLoggingMXBean and 
j.u.logging.LoggingMXBean directly, MBeanServer will throw a 
NonCompliantMBeanException.   As specified in the MXBean,

If an object implements two MXBean interfaces, it is a non-compliant 
MXBean or it extends StandardMBean.

I added the comment to explain this.

> PlatformLoggingMXBean.getLoggerNames reads "Returns the list of 
> currently registered loggers" where as it is actually the list of the 
> names of the registered loggers.
> Minor inconsistency in PlatformLoggingMXBean in that two of the 
> methods have spaces around the parameters, whereas the other two don't.


Here is the latest webrev:


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