Trivial review: 7032364 Add jvm.cfg file for ARM and PPC architectures

David Holmes David.Holmes at
Wed Mar 30 12:41:53 UTC 2011

Hi Bertrand,

Bertrand Delsart said the following on 03/30/11 18:49:
> No objections two small comments since I do not know in which context
> this is used:
> - I'm surprised that it ends up in a solaris directory
>  (and not linux or share)

Historically in the jdk repo "solaris" means "not-windows".

> - What does -server KNOWN means ?

That -server is a recognized flag/directive for the launcher.

>  (would ERROR be better for PPC ?)

It isn't necessary in that if you don't have a server VM you should 
build with BUILD_CLIENT_ONLY, and if you do that then it generates a 
jvm.cfg that aliases server to client. So the new file will only be used 
if you don't set BUILD_CLIENT_ONLY, and in that case one would presume 
you did have a server VM, so the KNOWN value would be appropriate.


> Bertrand.
> On 03/30/11 09:09 AM, David Holmes wrote:
>> More pieces to support SE Embedded.
>> David

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