review request: 4244896: (process) Provide System.getPid(), System.killProcess(String pid)

Rob McKenna rob.mckenna at
Wed Apr 11 23:48:23 UTC 2012

Hi folks,

I'm hoping for some feedback on the above. Webrev:

This bug adds two abstract methods to with the intention of:

1) providing a facility to implement a destroyForcibly method. In 
practical terms this means provide a method that will send a SIGKILL to 
the subprocess in *nix environments as opposed to the SIGTERM that is 
currently being sent. (Windows' destroy() method effectively behaves 
like this already)

2) providing a facility to check whether the subprocess is still alive.

As per the bug report the toString/pid work has been left to be 
completed separately.


a) It has been pointed out to me that the addition of abstract methods 
to java.lang.Process should be discussed, particularly as to whether 
default methods should be provided.

b) In src/windows/native/java/lang/ProcessImpl_md.c I chose to use 
WaitForSingleObject on the off chance that a process may choose to 
return STILL_ACTIVE as an error code.



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